11:56 pm
December 23, 2011

I have learned a lot here and have found the information in regards to High Interest Rates for Savings Accounts and GIC's to be very helpful not to mention helpful information in regards to RRSPs etc.
How about a forum for making the best use of your RRSP funds.
ie. Avoiding higher income tax
Best use of RRIF
Great idea; thanks! I should have created such a forum sooner. Here's one now:
I've moved a few other threads into that forum to start.
2:11 pm
December 12, 2009

Thanks Peter. If anyone finds/drudges up any old, similar threads, please don't hesitate to let Peter know, either by e-mail or possibly using the "report post" button if it lets you add a comment so he knows it's not a spam/abuse report but a report of a request to re-categorize the post.
Please write your comments in the forum.