2:14 pm
December 15, 2016

Vatox said
Printing excess money is career suicide because inflation will take off and those responsible will have to answer to the masses.
Do they really have any choice ? How does anyone think that kicking the can down the road will end well ? JMO, but they are printing paper with nothing to back it except the fact that it's the only thing that they know how to do in order to keep the world economy from imploding.
Argentina or Zimbabe anyone ? Weimar Germany ? Any reason why it couldn't happen here ?
5:36 pm
September 11, 2013

Righand, exactly. When you're faced with having a depression today or printing money to kick it a bit down the road history indicates the latter is usually the way it goes. Also, inflation can help you get rid of existing fixed amounts of debt, e.g. my parents bought their house in Scarborough in 1960 for $16K and by the 80s the monthly payments were insignificant due to pay raises from inflation alone.
5:41 pm
October 29, 2017

Righand said
Do they really have any choice ? How does anyone think that kicking the can down the road will end well ? JMO, but they are printing paper with nothing to back it except the fact that it's the only thing that they know how to do in order to keep the world economy from imploding.
Argentina or Zimbabe anyone ? Weimar Germany ? Any reason why it couldn't happen here ?
It totally could happen here. I’m just pointing out that the individuals that instigate it, will be fingered and labelled forever.
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