12:00 pm
November 26, 2008

I have been checking lately to open a GIC with some descent interest rates and have come to the conclusion that the big 4 leaders are the Manitoba credit unions banks.
I have had a feeling that Outlook have a more friendly website and greater internet capability and I'm about to open a GIC/RSP GIC/ and savings account with them since their interest is exactly the same as the 3 other ones.
Before I do so is there anyone who had bad experience with them and better experiences with the 3 others that would recommend me to do business with another one?
Because honestly when I'm looking at that comparative chart that Peter did: https://www.highinterestsavings.ca/comparison-of-services-offered-by-high-interest-savings-banks/ Outlook has it all with no fees for tranfers, Interact, bill payments and no minimum on GICs.
MAXA http://www.maxafinancial.com/b.....x?cid=1719
Regular Savings
GIC - 1 Year
GIC - 2 Year
GIC - 3 Year
GIC - 4 Year
GIC - 5 Year
OUTLOOK http://www.outlookfinancial.co.....ucts/rates
•2.00% Savings Accounts
•2.05% 1 Year Cashable GIC
•2.25% 2 Year Cashable GIC
•2.45% 3 Year Cashable GIC
•2.60% 4 Year Cashable GIC
•2.85% 5 Year Cashable GIC
ACCELERATE http://www.acceleratefinancial.....vings.aspx
AcceleRate Savings,
Variable TFSA, RRSP, and RRIF
AcceleRate GIC, TFSA, RRSP, and RRIF
1 Year Term
2 Year Term
3 Year Term
4 Year Term
5 Year Term
6 Year Term
7 Year Term
ACHIEVA http://www.achieva.mb.ca/Produ.....vings.aspx
Daily Interest Savings
1 Year Term
2 Year Term
3 Year Term
4 Year Term
5 Year Term
The day you become free is the day you work for fun.
3:43 pm
I am from BC and have been putting money into GIC's for savings and TFSA's in both Outlook and Accelerate.
Outlook has made quite a few errors over the couple of years I have been with them...and they have always fixed it ... no problem. I used Outlook as their GIC's are cashable (with penalty...but cashable).
I find Accelerate very good to deal with and they mail you a notice that your GIC''s are about to mature while you are on your own with Outlook.
Both websites are ok...nothing fantastic...I do NOT use these accounts for day to day banking...just savings.
I would also consider both Maxa and Achieva...likely Achieva over Maxa. And thirdly Steinbach CU.
88kanakas said
I am from BC and have been putting money into GIC's for savings and TFSA's in both Outlook and Accelerate.
Outlook has made quite a few errors over the couple of years I have been with them...and they have always fixed it ... no problem. I used Outlook as their GIC's are cashable (with penalty...but cashable).
I find Accelerate very good to deal with and they mail you a notice that your GIC''s are about to mature while you are on your own with Outlook.Both websites are ok...nothing fantastic...I do NOT use these accounts for day to day banking...just savings.
I would also consider both Maxa and Achieva...likely Achieva over Maxa. And thirdly Steinbach CU.
Yes I like the fact that on Outlook GICs are cashable, they give a 1 year of interest penalty but at least the money is still yours during these 5 years. And the fact that I am not sure when exactly I will need it during the next 5 years is an important factor to me.
I will probably start with an account at Outlook since I already have one with ING, HSBC and ICICI. I think I should work on closing the accounts with HSBC and ICICI.
The day you become free is the day you work for fun.
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