12:52 am
August 5, 2014

It does not matter where you live in the world, there is a false promise made to everyone by government and through unions, employers that the contributions paid for the last 20, 30 years was sufficient to cover $3,000, $4,000, $5,000 monthly pension payments with 3%, 4% annual pay increases.
This was an excuse for employers and unions to pay and give less to employees as current compensation through their paycheck in wages, salaries.
The problem is most people want an easy way to make money and most want some government, company, union etc. to take care of them. A retirement and financial utopia that does not exist.
All I was advocating through many posts was give everyone a choice and they should live by their choices. Those that are able and financially literate, financially intelligent, financially disciplined have many choices today to save, invest and save income taxes that did not exist 10, 20, 30 years ago.
I believe the main reason why those in favor of pension plans and other retirement benefit programs managed by a central authority are against giving choice is because they know that their pension plans will not work and will not be sustainable if many are not forced into their confiscation of money, property from their paychecks.
We can see today the high expectations that most pension plans have given pensioners which are finding it very difficult to keep their plans intact as they promised. This is going to get worse and many on this pension, socialistic belief system want just to take a little more which is never enough.
A little becomes more and more and then this all falls apart or we get much less 30%, 40%, 50% less making the great touted pension plans worse off than having saved, invested for decades in RRSP's, TFSA's, non-registered investments etc.
They have many tools to do this, cutting of annual inflation indexation, capping it, putting a maximum 2%, 3%, 4% per year, increasing age eligibility, increasing contribution amounts, reducing a spousal percentage of pensions paid every month. Worse, if they fail, Ontario funded by us taxpayers guarantees $1,000 a month only which could result in a big cut of maybe 50%, 60%, 70%, 80% etc. to many monthly pensions paid.
They write the rules and can change them anytime. Also, nothing goes to family, non-spouse beneficiaries and spouses only get 50% to 65% of their originally deceased spouse's monthly pension.
The easiest way for a women that live usually longer to becomes poorer is losing a spouse. However, if they planned ahead prudently and had $800,000, $900,000, $1,000,000 from financial investments, life insurance, no debts etc. this would protect the spouse firstly and the family too from a premature death of a spouse. This is true even if a spouse lives 5, 10, 15 more years after a deceased spouse.
1:39 am
October 21, 2013

Jack Manning said
I believe the main reason why those in favor of pension plans and other retirement benefit programs managed by a central authority are against giving choice is because they know that their pension plans will not work and will not be sustainable if many are not forced into their confiscation of money, property from their paychecks.
The whole point of a pension plan is that it works precisely because it is inclusive and therefore large. The larger the plan, the safer and more successful it is likely to be, assuming sound management practices. This is what makes it different than individuals trying to work there way through the bewildering maze of investment options in their spare time. Your retirement income is too important to be treated as a bewildering spare time activity.
All of the issues Jack has raised here have been mentioned in his repetitious posts on numerous other recent threads, albeit often much more colourfully. I don't know why he felt the need to start this all over again. Please check out previous threads if you want a more detailed picture of what he really means.
The issue is too complex to be fully covered here. If you would like to understand pension plans better, I suggest reading Pension confidential: 50 things you don't know about your pension and investments. by Drummond, R. J. (Robert Johnston); and Roberts, Chris. (Toronto: Lorimer, 2012). It should be available in most public libraries. I found it very helpful.
6:21 am
August 4, 2010

3:40 pm
February 17, 2013

NorthernRaven said
All pension funds will be found to have invested heavily in d'Anconia Copper, and thus worthless. Any remaining ill-gotten socialist loot will be destroyed by Ragnar Danneskjold before he joins the elect in Galt's Gulch to watch the rest of society devolve into anarchy...
Buy precious metals, keep cash in the mattress, and hoard ammo in your bunker. You'll be OK!
I'm SOOOOOO glad I found this forum!!
1:43 am
August 5, 2014

Yes, Loonie, you are always right because taking more and more of people's money is always the solution. Working a late 12 hour shift and coming home I am glad my employer does not force me to be part of a ponzi scheme called pensions.
There is actually a book out there called Pension Ponzi. The pension pushers never mention that book of course. The bottom line is socialism is pervasive in Canada, U.S. and Europe is a basket case. People like me that take care of our family and are responsible are the ones that will always be treated as the problem by the rest of entitled society that knows how to milk the system.
Remember, you will bankrupt our society because all those that want more freedom are always the one that will pay for the rest of society's thievery and will get nothing in return that we paid at least 10 times over.
1:38 pm
August 9, 2014

Well than Jack, when you get sick and can't work. DON'T USE YOUR HEALTH PLAN!
Welfare, are here to counteract the fact that we all went into hard time once in a while and make sure the person that face difficulties will not live in desperate shape. Not only they are not a bad things, in fact, they are the most beautiful things human being have ever done to each other for the solidarity of society. This type of action and the desire to help other people out are the things that distinguished us from animals !
Please write your comments in the forum.