3:34 pm
March 21, 2018

I have been with Manulife for quite a few years since our investment advisor move from Peak to Manulife. I have never been impressed with having to pay “self directed” fees. For the past few years we have only had GICs and we disposed of all stocks, mutual funds and ETF’s. Since Manulife, I had totally lost track of what I invested as they were the third brokerage we have dealt with and of course to see the comparison of market price vs book disappeared. So, now retired, I have time to do more and get more than what my adviser does as he gets a .25% commission while I get a reduced rate....and that is fair.
So here is a couple of things to know.
There is a round about way to minimize withdrawal fees “if” you had a GIC where your advisor acted as an agent on behalf of an FI.
Sunlife does not charge self directed fees for accounts over $100,000.
Your advisor does not receive any of the self directed fee.
Manulife self directed fees are $150 per SIN number.
Cost to withdraw the balance of funds in Manual Life and transfer to one other FI $315. $150 plus GST to close account and another $150 plus GST to transfer funds out.
Hubert has no charges.
Oaken has no charges.
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