9:30 am
October 15, 2015

This article documents Trudeaus mandate letter to freeland (finance items)
Just curious are these things actually supposed to happen or is this more a wish list? There is an awful lot of goodies here,
Also see revenue canada’s priorities
10:27 am
April 27, 2017

3:36 pm
September 11, 2013

5:07 pm
April 6, 2013

The minister mandate letters are objectives or goals for each minister.
This is from the prime minister's page Mandate Letters:
Mandate letters outline the objectives that each minister will work to accomplish, as well as the pressing challenges they will address in their role.
5:08 pm
April 14, 2021

COIN said
Unless I missed it, I did not see:1) Wealth tax
I think this might cover much of it:
Trudeau also asked Freeland to invest in the Canada Revenue Agency to close the tax gap and combat aggressive tax planning and avoidance, and to modernize the general anti-avoidance rule regime.
5:47 pm
October 21, 2013

There are lots of things they can focus on that will be more popular and still fall within this mandate, like using TFSAs to enable you to get GIS etc. Most people don't want to pay for someone else to get a free ride for no good reason. I sure hope they close down that one.
It will be up to the minister to prioritize. They never do everything.
6:40 pm
March 15, 2019

I wish the regulators/Finance/CRA can somehow convince the institutions to make transfers (RRSP, TFSA, broker accounts) between institutions more efficiently and FASTER. I really don't appreciate them telling me they have up to 30 days to do a transfer.
Question: Can they increase the CDIC coverage? $100,000 is rather small to-day.
8:30 pm
October 21, 2013

5:27 am
September 11, 2013

I don't see a need to increase CDIC limit for non-registered, but I don't get what people who don't have discount broker or mutual fund agent accounts are supposed to do with their RRSPs - ? Are they supposed to put $100K with Oaken, then $100K with whoever, and so on, thus having separate accounts (then RIFs too) all over the place? I can see increasing CDIC for registered accounts.
7:40 am
October 21, 2013

Yes, that's what people have to do if they want CDIC insurance. Alternatively, they can put it in credit unions which, at least in Ontario and MB (and I believe elsewhere), have unlimited registered coverage.
I suppose that if you pushed on the matter, someone would tell you to open a brokerage account and buy your GICs there, but of course they are not as competitive and you will lose.
It's just as much of a nuisance to have multiple non-registered accounts when you'd rather consolidate, although it's much easier to move the money around, and no fees for doing so.
I agree it's worse though for registered. There are no joint accounts to help spread it out.
I find the 250K non-registeered coverage at Ontario CUs to be reasonable at this time. CDIC ought to do the same.
8:45 am
March 30, 2017

Loonie said
I find the 250K non-registeered coverage at Ontario CUs to be reasonable at this time. CDIC ought to do the same.
The thoughts are people put over CDIC limit at big banks anyway. A higher CDIC coverage will mean an increased premium being charged to the banks. Its an additional expense banks dont need and would resist I would imagine.
For registered account that are mostly GICs, cash etc, a brokerage account will give u 1MM (or $2mm cant remember) coverage, but at a $hitty rate....
10:53 am
September 11, 2013

A brokerage account provides no CDIC coverage, it's the GIC issuers themselves, so as long as you keep each GIC issuer under $100K in your broker account you can have as many different issuers as they offer. But the rates are so bad, not sure I'd use a brokerage account to hold GICs.
I think the CIPF coverage is $1M, but that's a different animal, i.e. it's if you suffer a loss due to the insolvency of the broker, or something like that. CDIC covers the instrument of the issuing financial institution.
I'm pretty sure raising the CDIC is not a gov't priority, though the last raise from $60K to $100K was way back in 2005. We're regularly told here that most Canadians are a few days away from insolvency, plus most other people get a bit of money they take it to a mutual fund salesperson, etc to invest it, so I doubt there is a significant % of the population that saves as much in cash and GICs as the folks on here. I don't hear it in my daily life except on here, so I just can't see this is a political priority.
11:03 am
October 21, 2013

11:06 am
April 6, 2013

The $1 million CIPF coverage on a brokerage account only covers the content of the account and not the value of the contents.
CIPF will replace the certificate for the $130,000 GIC held in the account should the broker fail and the certificate goes missing. But, CIPF won't replace the original $130,000 value of the GIC if the GIC issuer defaults.
For CIPF, there would be no loss. Broker owes client the $130,000 GIC certificate. The $130,000 GIC certificate is still in the account.
11:41 am
March 15, 2019

11:50 am
December 12, 2021

COIN said
make transfers (RRSP, TFSA, broker accounts) between institutions more efficiently and FASTER.
it is there but most bank don’t want to make it easier to discourage ppl from moving $$$ out, the reason I am saying that is because during the summer i transfered my RRSp-TFSA to Motus bank promo for the 2.25% for the first 90 days in a new savings account and after that promo I completed the transfer to move $$$ to Duca and to MY SURPRISE the funds left Motus bank and arrive at DUCA on the same day.
11:59 am
December 12, 2021

Why would the bank want to increase CIDC to 250k like Australia, USA etc..? the current systems benefit the big5 and they know ppl including myself have no problem whatsoever to go over CDIC limit with the big5 but not a $1.00 over CDIC with smaller startup like Oaken, Motus, lbc etc.. the banks, telco are in charge in our country.
12:41 pm
March 15, 2019

7:50 am
September 11, 2013

Ms Freeland announced that her new measures give banks the "power to cut off services to those suspected of supporting the protesters". So if someone transfers $50 to someone the banks suspects is a protester the bank can cut off the sender's accounts, etc. Ok, fine. Does anyone know if this is one of the temporary measures or a permanent one? I found that the new FINTRAC rules for crowdfunding platforms will be permanent but I couldn't find anything definitive re this other measure.
Also, canada.ca site, under the heading Your Right To Open A Bank Account, says "In Canada, you have the right to open a bank account at a bank or a federally regulated credit union as long as you show proper identification." I'm assuming this statement is based on some legislation somewhere. Does anyone know if this right is now superceded by the above new measure?
Please write your comments in the forum.