10:00 pm
December 12, 2009

10:08 am
October 27, 2013

10:12 am
December 12, 2009

AltaRed said
Since when? Why should Bloomberg care about this kind of minutiae?
Yeah, I tend to agree. Bloomberg does list a lot of private companies in their database, but why should they have to list every deposit-taking institution in every country outside the United States? I could see them potentially listing National Credit Union Association credit unions in the U.S. as that's a key market, but seems like it'd be a bit too exhaustive to list credit unions in every country.
You have to remember...Bloomberg Terminal is not intended for retail investors or common folk like you and I. It's intended for institutional investors, commercial bankers, investment bankers, analysts, researchers, and, yes, some university academics, but that's about it.
If you want a quick link to the provincial credit union regulators' websites, which list all current credit unions, I'd recommend the "Members" page of the Credit Union Prudential Supervisors Association:
For nationally-regulated institutions, I'd recommend the "banks", "trust companies," and "loan and mortgage company" lists of OSFI's Who We Regulate webpage:
Some insurance companies also issue GICs, but they're listed under the insurance company category, so between these two websites, you should have 100% of all eligible deposit takers.
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