4:26 pm
January 3, 2013

5:13 pm
October 21, 2013

5:20 pm
January 3, 2013

6:30 pm
October 21, 2013

6:45 am
February 13, 2018

6:25 pm
January 3, 2013

6:33 pm
January 3, 2013

gamgam said
Northern CU offered 4% last spring on a HISA! Am currently at 3.5% at HSBC on a HISA! Savers deserve some better rates! It’s been too long at these low rates! Â
You should have mentioned: Promotion Period: September 10 – November 15, 2018. It is technically only 2 months and if the saver doesn't have an HSBC account, it would even be less. Maybe 1.5 months (Open, transfer, etc). It is not really worth the new account / effort unless you have a high amount ($300K+) considering their regular interest rate is 1.15%.
Did I mention the 3.5% only applicable to new moneys for $100K+ deposits?
7:37 pm
October 21, 2013

8:15 pm
February 17, 2013

8:02 am
February 13, 2018

10:18 am
January 3, 2013

Loonie said
I'd be willing to predict that it won't be one of the Big 5, 6, or 7! Â
Yes, those big ones don't need our money! We help those who help us 🙂
BTW, it seems any big name should be avoided in Canada including big Internet providers, Big wireless providers, big insurance providers, etc.
It is so funny that I use EBOX for my internet > $52 TAX-in. The service is provided by Rogers. If I switch to Rogers for the same thing, I will end up paying $94!
No BIG name for me unless they give me a great deal.
10:19 am
January 3, 2013

4:38 pm
February 13, 2018

Save2Retire@55 said
You should have mentioned: Promotion Period: September 10 – November 15, 2018. It is technically only 2 months and if the saver doesn't have an HSBC account, it would even be less. Maybe 1.5 months (Open, transfer, etc). It is not really worth the new account / effort unless you have a high amount ($300K+) considering their regular interest rate is 1.15%.
Did I mention the 3.5% only applicable to new moneys for $100K+ deposits? Â
Save2Retire@55 said
You should have mentioned: Promotion Period: September 10 – November 15, 2018. It is technically only 2 months and if the saver doesn't have an HSBC account, it would even be less. Maybe 1.5 months (Open, transfer, etc). It is not really worth the new account / effort unless you have a high amount ($300K+) considering their regular interest rate is 1.15%.
Did I mention the 3.5% only applicable to new moneys for $100K+ deposits? Â
Note up to $1,000,000 @ 3.5 %. Worth it for me! Not locked in!
5:43 pm
January 3, 2013

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