I've been on these forums for 8 years now, more active in the beginning when ING was offering 4.5% on their savings account, now that it's Tangerine at 0.8% interest rates and their 45$ RSP transfer fees, I lost all hope in savings account.
I have moved to the stock market lately and been more active on buying and selling stuff on Disnat classic platform with Desjardins and their 9.95$ fee per transaction. Since I am moving in and out around 50k USD, they are only charging 1% conversion fee from CAD to USD and I have opened a US account to rest the money between 2 trades.
I have tried mainly TSLA stocks and bought at 172$ when it was going down in start of February and it reached deep down to 142$ after 8 days I bought at a record low on 2 years I've been following. They reached 180$ last March and sky-rocketed to 280$ a couple months ago so I promised myself to follow Elon Musk moves and to buy right before the announce of the Model 3 with the reservations coming on the 31st of March when analyst estimates the shares to reach over 300$ over the next year.
It's hard to see your stock losing 15k after 2 weeks you have invested at the wrong time of the descending slope but I sold back at 180$ 1 week ago and made a little 2000$ in 3 weeks which is lame compared to the money I would have done if investing at 142$ and selling at 192$ 2 days ago but now it's back to 185$.
I have moved from a extremely low risk 3% TFSA at PT to 1.80% interest savings account, 0.8% at Tangerine to an extremely volatile stock market. The first nights you talk 1 hour with your wife on your moves on your stock market and your regrets to not have waited till it reached it's bottom low but in the end we enjoy investing in TSLA because it is a company we believe in and it's values and the potential it has to change the world. If we lose money, we keep it invested long term and wait for the profits of the company to grow by 2017-2020 and if the volatily makes us a profit in the short term, we do some day-to-day trading and make some 2% a month. It could have been 15% a month, but it could have been 0.8% a year with Tangerine too.
My next move is transfering out that money for a cashdown on a future house and we are going to use our loaded TFSA at People Thrust instead to invest in BBD.B, TSLA and SCTY. Maybe some APPL depending on the apple car and the analysts. Any profit made over the next 2 years will be clear of taxes, so if we double up with some contracts on the CSeries in Bombardier stocks currently at 1.07$, we could hit on the ascending stocks.
I think we can afford the risk because we are young professionals, my wife has a stable job in engineering and I'm finally graduating this year in orthopedics, so the income will grow substantially, so if we relativise the investment we are throwing back and forth in the stocks today, it's the equivalent of 1 month of salary next year but still, it's like going all in with a pocket Aces in Hold'Em at Vegas.
Investing in stocks, really something that makes you discover the relationship you have with your wife related to money insecurity.
Wish you good investments,
The day you become free is the day you work for fun.
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