5:35 pm
April 26, 2019

BillieBob said
A small portion of my expenses were dental but most are related to cancer treatments and medications, and include mileage expenses, etc. for daily travel over 7 weeks to a major city for treatments so receipts for some things will be difficult to obtain. I did keep a mileage log though.
I have received my Notice of Assessment but I'm guessing that a request for receipts can still happen after that.
I am sorry to hear that you are going for cancer treatment. I live in B.C. and from what I hear from a few friends who have had to endure the process that most of the medications are covered, at no out of pocket cost to the patient. Like said here...any medications will require an official receipt. I am so glad there is a guideline for you to have to pick up the travel expenses.
I think that the Notice of Assessment arrives so quickly, it is only a confirmation that you have submitted your forms. As it states there still can be a review. Mine said I owed them money still....but I paid them the same day I submitted them, thus my feeling it is only a receipt and not a confirmation that all is tickety boo. Some one here told me to go online to My Account and you will find proof of receipt of funds there and a confirmation that you owe zero.
5:39 pm
September 11, 2013

5:46 pm
September 11, 2013

6:10 pm
November 6, 2018

GICinvestor said
I am sorry to hear that you are going for cancer treatment. I live in B.C. and from what I hear from a few friends who have had to endure the process that most of the medications are covered, at no out of pocket cost to the patient. Like said here...any medications will require an official receipt. I am so glad there is a guideline for you to have to pick up the travel expenses.
I do not have medical insurance other than provincial health coverage. Here in Ontario, if one is over 65, OHIP+ kicks in and one pays only $2 for SOME medications. The medications I was prescribed during treatment and for a while after totalled $2900 of which I paid almost $800. I am grateful I didn't have to pay the total amount.
6:52 pm
April 26, 2019

BillieBob said
I do not have medical insurance other than provincial health coverage. Here in Ontario, if one is over 65, OHIP+ kicks in and one pays only $2 for SOME medications. The medications I was prescribed during treatment and for a while after totalled $2900 of which I paid almost $800. I am grateful I didn't have to pay the total amount.
We have similar. Called Pharma Care Fair. Based on income it pays part or all of your medication if on their list, if generic (or a DR's letter), and price of drug does not surpass their posted rates. But it also says that some drugs are not covered at all if they are provided by the Cancer Society or Heart Society etc.
We buy all of our drugs at Costco. And by the way ANYONE can buy their drugs at Costco....no member ship needed. And they will mail to your home if you are in "the zone" of that service.
Please write your comments in the forum.