7:31 pm
April 6, 2013

Equifax Canada included the following delinquency rate statistics with my FICO score report:
FICO Score |
Deliquency Rate |
Up to 499 | 78% |
500 - 549 | 60% |
550 - 599 | 39% |
600 - 649 | 23% |
650 - 699 | 12% |
700 - 749 | 5% |
750 - 799 | 2% |
800+ | 1% |
A delinquency is a loan default, a bankruptcy filing, or reaching 90 days past due, in the next two years.
8:48 pm
October 27, 2013

8:34 am
April 6, 2013

Not sure if it is possible to get delinquencies down to 0.1% or lower with the information in a Canadian credit report. I can't see how the information can accurately forecast major life events in the near future, like job loss, a serious health issue, a newly acquired gambling/substance addiction, or a marriage breakdown.
Alternative leaders like Home Trust go beyond the credit scores in their loan underwriting. Even with that, their latest quarterly report shows non-performing loans at 0.34%. However, I think that is 0.34% by loan value and not 0.34% by number of loans.
Please write your comments in the forum.