7:55 am
October 5, 2017

At 6:15 attempted to send an Interac E Transfer from BMO .
After hitting the send button the transaction failed and a messaged displayed
"OOPS something went wrong"
So now my account was debited the amount I tried to send and the e transfer never occured. Interac history has no record.
I waited 20 minutes on hold only to be told they could not authenticate me because their Auth dept doesn't open until 8:00 am (This was attempt by the CSR to BS me)
I called back at 7:30 am and waited another 20 minutes on hold but this time I was authenticated right away.
So the CSR opened up a ticket and basically said it would be sent to the back office for adjudication (I assume they will confirm that the money never left their system via interac e tranfer).
When the money is returned to my chequing account is anyones guess.
I got lucky that it was only 2 phone calls and 1 hour of my time.
The problem is when a FI messes up it is incumbent on us to fix their mistakes and waste hours on the phone.
This is not acceptable that they are allowed to highjack my money and force me to jump thru their hoops to get it back, shame on them !
7:21 am
August 19, 2022

Sent a Interac e-transfer last week from Tangerine. Recipient calls me a couple of days later to tell me that the transfer is failing and that "we" should each contact our FI. I called Tang and discovered that their AI blocked the transfer at Tang even though my chq acct got debited. My money is "somewhere" in the meantime. Apparently, the recipient's email address starts with info@------ and Tang automatically blocks it. However, I did NOT get any notice about this until the frustrated recipient called me.
I wait hours to speak with someone at Tang (not acceptable to wait hours!!) and am told that only the Security Department can help and they will call me in FIVE DAYS.
You can't make this SH*T up. Still waiting for resolution and funds still"somewhere."
7:27 am
November 8, 2018

7:45 am
October 5, 2017

Update to post #1.
2 More phone calls and and the only thing the CSR was do was say a ticket was created and I need to wait up to 48 hours for a resoultion. Really not acceptable but what choice do we have ?
While waiting for my last call to be escalated to a supervisor I logged into my account and checked my interac e history at 4:37 pm.
And to my suprise the e transfer is listed as in "progress status " with the ability to cancel which I did promptly and now the money is back in my cheq account.
All is well now , but when 3k goes missing in action I get very anxious !
To post #3 , its true if hasn't been accepted it can be cancelled, but if it doesn't even show up as being sent (as in my case and I think in Rhino's post) there is no possibility of cancelling, it at which point it's a dragem out fight with the FI to find it and get the money restored .
9:06 am
November 23, 2017

Alexandre said
I thought it is possible to cancel Interac transfer, as long as it weren't accepted by the recipient. The account will be debited as soon as transfer initiated, but credited back when transfer is cancelled.
True. I just logged in to an outgoing BMO etransfer which has not yet been accepted by the recipient. It offered me a choice of "cancel this transfer" or "send a reminder to recipient".
9:21 am
October 27, 2013

9:41 am
August 19, 2022

Alexandre said
I thought it is possible to cancel Interac transfer, as long as it weren't accepted by the recipient. The account will be debited as soon as transfer initiated, but credited back when transfer is cancelled.
In my case, the funds never went to Interac as it was not Interac who blocked it; it was Tangerine who intercepted and froze the transaction (as described in my post earlier). As a result not able to cancel or do anything accordig to Tang. Only Tang's Security Dept can unblock and resend to the recipient or cancel the e-transfer attempt. In the meantime I am still debited and funds are "who knows where?" This is not an Interac issue per se but rather Tang's current insanity.
10:28 am
April 14, 2021

I've had to deal with Tang's god-forsaken security department on a couple of occasions. They create all manner of silly problems which, of course, only that department can fix. You end up waiting hours on hold or even days for someone to call you back (all the while your accounts are FROZEN.) They introduced a new security procedure and I tripped it. Took only minutes to correct, but I was forced to wait until they had time to answer my calls. Tang is now on my list of 'Avoid, if possible.'
Unfortunately, they are offering me 3.5% HISA, so I can't avoid (until 2023.)
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