5:49 pm
January 3, 2013

Wishing all of you specially Peter and those who are always there to answer questions and benefit others in our small online community a very happy belated full of health and wealth new year.
Hopefully we will see higher interest rates in 2019. Dreaming of 5%.
Best of best to you and your loved ones.
Remember that money shouldn't be the source of happiness. How to use the money should.
11:22 pm
October 21, 2013

Our 2018 income from interest has increased 193% over what it was when I joined the forum, and is poised for a significant jump next year. Could have been even better if I'd been more aggressive.
Many thanks to those who have helped make this possible by your positive contributions.
A toast:
Whappy Whealthie Woo-Hoo-Noo-Year!
(will $umone bring me a mapkin, pwease? I tink i spilked a few draps on my magik 5% krystal$... where'd the darn tings go?... my buddy promissed, ya just gotta wave em undr the CSR's nose and they get hypno-tied and hafta give ya 5%, clumpounded ourly cuz it all sticks to itself - I like our in a clump anyway... oops!...anudder nabkin pls...)
May all your burps turn into bps... and your snowballs into toonies!
5:09 am
November 8, 2018

Thanks to BoC and this forum my 2018 interest income is 1.5 times higher than two years ago, in 2016.
This is with some of my multi-year GICs with than very attractive 1% interest rate still not matured.
If Savings/1yr GIC rate is 4% by the end of 2019, I'll hit my income retirement goal and with 5% I'll have comfortable retirement on interest income alone.
I will, too, be dreaming of 5% returns by the end of 2019.
Thanks to forum owner and forum participants for their useful and helpful input to this forum, and happy New Year!
7:54 am
December 20, 2016

8:50 am
November 7, 2014

11:06 am
November 19, 2014

12:28 pm
February 13, 2018

Please write your comments in the forum.