3:14 am
April 7, 2016

3:43 am
October 21, 2013

5:20 am
April 7, 2016

11:15 am
December 20, 2016

Peter said
In case there is any concern, this site most definitely does not sell user information to anybody.
....proving that correlation does not imply causation.....or perhaps more precisely, coincidence does not imply causation
3oakwest said
High Interest Savings Canada is the only Money Site I belong to and I can't understand how they got my email address.
If you happen to have used that email address with others, a possible explanation might be one of those correspondents sold your contact info, or perhaps even more likely, the system of one of your correspondents was compromised and the contact list was hacked....can't exclude the possibility that the email service itself could have been compromised...as Yahoo has been in the past, along with others. These are just a few scenarios of how your email address could have gotten into the wrong hands. Think about hacks like Desjardins, Trans Union, Target, Home Depot, Walmart Photos...list goes on and on.
Please write your comments in the forum.