3:09 pm
December 12, 2009

📣 The #GoC is extending the #CERB by an additional 8 weeks. ➡️https://t.co/vgVCQPDeof pic.twitter.com/baQOtTYJN6
— Employment and Social Development Canada (@ESDC_GC) June 16, 2020
Parliamentary Budget Officer expected to revise, yet again, his budgetary deficit projections.
Trudeau expected to quadruple the federal debt within the next 12 months, down from 18 months. (Doug's projection.)
All three major credit ratings agencies to downgrade Canada's credit rating from AAA to AA within the next twelve months (Doug's projection, with a 60% confidence ratio).
11:24 pm
October 21, 2013

6:11 am
March 30, 2017

Loonie said
AA would still be a great credit rating, if it comes to that.
If it happens, shouldn't we then expect higher interest rates? Stir in a dose of inflation, and rates could become relatively healthy.
Most countries including US are not AAA anyway so downgrade from AAA to AA is not material. No impact to Canada's borrowing rate
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