4:17 pm
January 3, 2013

Hello, I found this today (also might be old) but I thought it can help someone.
7:11 pm
December 12, 2009

Thanks Yas...Funny you should mention that, I was looking up the Financial Consumer Agency of Canada's website recently and was saddened that website has been merged into "Canada.ca" and the God awful Government of Canada website template - thanks Conservatives! 🙁
It was not easy to find anymore, not on the FCAC's own website, which also loses its own custom branding, maybe via a Google web search. It's also woefully out of date.
For that reason, I recommend this chart:
I'm preparing another update to that soon, looking to add one other Saskatchewan credit union with a free chequing account, one other B.C. credit union, update to Canadian Direct Financial and add Alterna Bank. I'll try and time it with the relaunch of CDF as Motive Financial on April 18th but, if there's any particular information you'd like to see included from the FCAC's Account Selector Tool, please let me know, either via reply here or posting in this thread:
Please write your comments in the forum.