1:41 pm
January 12, 2019

. . . isn't as easy (or as accurate) as some would have us believe.
I found this recent FP article to be a good read, on how inflation numbers are derived (some of it close to Alchemy), and why we shouldn't take those numbers as 'Gospel' :
- FP Article Link ➡ https://financialpost.com/news/economy/the-complex-and-sometimes-controversial-task-of-counting-how-far-a-dollar-goes
" Live Long, Healthy ... And Prosper! "
6:39 pm
April 6, 2013

What Statistics Canada does is not alchemy.
There isn't one inflation number. That's why Statistics Canada releases a large set of consumer price indices and subindices.
People have no problem understanding why Canada's average temperature doesn't always accurately reflect local temperatures. They don't start spouting conspiracy theories about Environment Canada as some do about Statistics Canada when the Canada CPI inflation number doesn't accurately reflect local prices.
10:09 am
January 12, 2019

4:38 am
March 30, 2017

6:56 am
January 10, 2017

Norman1 said
What Statistics Canada does is not alchemy.There isn't one inflation number. That's why Statistics Canada releases a large set of consumer price indices and subindices.
People have no problem understanding why Canada's average temperature doesn't always accurately reflect local temperatures. They don't start spouting conspiracy theories about Environment Canada as some do about Statistics Canada when the Canada CPI inflation number doesn't accurately reflect local prices.
Weather is a single variable and is not at all comparable to the multi variable, multi-dimensional, smoke & mirrors CPI number. The government wants to have us believe inflation is low for these reasons:
a. dissuade us from asking for salary increases;
b. keep us buying things cause, hey the CPI says inflation is low!
c. allows setting of low interest rates so that they can borrow funds on the cheap from investors to fund their massive government debts.
Why is it that even though 70% of Canadians own their home yet the price of homes is not included in the CPI? Right, it is not an expense it is an investment....hmm....tell that to those who will be selling their 2020/2021 purchased homes at a loss!
Computer prices have essentially stayed the same over the years yet the CPI includes computers at a minuscule fraction of what they were years ago...why?...because they are claimed to be more powerful than they were before...never mind that bloated software runs no faster on the current crop of computers.
The bottom line is that the CPI is a manipulated number that governments use for their own purposes. Citizens Beware!
7:03 am
February 7, 2019

Lodown said The bottom line is that the CPI is a manipulated number that governments use for their own purposes. Citizens Beware!
So, who does The Poliver need to replace to fix that?
BTW, the Canadian calculation doesn't change very often (although Stats Can added Used Cars earlier this year) but by comparison, the US definition changes frequently is mostly kept mysterious ...
9:53 am
January 12, 2019

10:28 am
April 21, 2022

9:09 pm
August 9, 2014

The QE money is mostly use to purchase debt issued by federal and provincial governemnt. By doing so, it increase the amount of base money avaliable.
However, QE does not always leads to inflation, if those money is sitting around in someone's vault, it will not do anything to inflation (Japan ??). Those money have to circulate in the economy for it to cause inflation.
Therefore, money supply × velocity of money circulating in the economy = price level × real GDP.
4:40 am
March 30, 2017

Jon said
The QE money is mostly use to purchase debt issued by federal and provincial governemnt. By doing so, it increase the amount of base money avaliable.However, QE does not always leads to inflation, if those money is sitting around in someone's vault, it will not do anything to inflation (Japan ??). Those money have to circulate in the economy for it to cause inflation.
Therefore, money supply × velocity of money circulating in the economy = price level × real GDP.
actually its not just "mostly", its 100% of it. It essentially increase money supply. Cant remember what era it was when that used to be the no.1 tool to control inflation / combat recession.
All the M1, M2, M3 measurement etc, prob back in the 70s when I was too young to care about money lol
12:34 pm
January 12, 2019

cgouimet said
. . .
BTW, the Canadian calculation doesn't change very often (although Stats Can added Used Cars earlier this year) but by comparison, the US definition changes frequently is mostly kept mysterious ...
Hence my use of the word 'Alchemy' in Post #1,
which Someone didn't like.
- Dean
" Live Long, Healthy ... And Prosper! "
1:14 pm
April 18, 2022

There is no right number. The correct number is whatever suits them. They've already changed the narrative to inflation has peaked to keep rates artificially low. Now they are saying inflation will come down in a few years that's acceptable; no it's a rip off. For over a decade interest rates have been below the phoney cpi index. Government and business elites are inflating their debts away leaving everyone else with crumbs.
1:30 pm
February 7, 2019

AllanB said
There is no right number. The correct number is whatever suits them. They've already changed the narrative to inflation has peaked to keep rates artificially low. Now they are saying inflation will come down in a few years that's acceptable; no it's a rip off. For over a decade interest rates have been below the phoney cpi index. Government and business elites are inflating their debts away leaving everyone else with crumbs.
OK then! The word from Allan ...
1:45 pm
February 7, 2019

2:51 pm
March 8, 2022

savemoresaveoften said
Restaurant price inflation is 20%+ easily.
Any home repair or renovation is WAY up! Materials and Labour. I have been using 100% (double) as a guideline for the increase from June 2019 to June 2022. And depending on what, that is a lot of times light, and it's more.
In other words, in June 2019 I mostly knew the pricing, in July 2022 I have no idea. That's scary...
Please write your comments in the forum.