7:36 pm
January 17, 2018

Michael Campbell has an hour long podcast each saturday on CKNW called Money Talks and you can access it below:
1:51 am
October 21, 2013

I must admit I'd never heard of Michael Campbell, so I took a listen.
This guy is a rightwing extremist ideologue, who loves to rant on with very little real content, all of which is highly selective and biased. You won't learn anything worth knowing here.
No doubt the rightwing chorus on this forum will chime in his defense but don't say I didn't warn you.
Rob Carrick, at the Globe and Mail site, does some podcasts which can be informative but they are very short. He normally interviews people who have some expertise on particular topics.
4:48 am
February 27, 2018

Try this one.
HiFi Radio with "The Wolf on Bay Street" Wolfgang Klein. Playlist by 640 Toronto.
5:12 am
December 17, 2016

Michael Campbell is FANTASTIC. His commentaries are BIG picture stuff - he doesn't deal with how to save money through button-counting, coupon-clipping, or how to get your next set of coffee table coasters through AirMiles - he leaves that stuff to the always trustworthy Hints from Heloise.
Take a listen to his latest posted podcast through the link provided above, in Post #2: Money Talks - July 7th, 2018. But then again, if you're not interested in hearing how Socialism and the push for bigger government to provide cradle to grave care is eating YOUR daily bread, then maybe just stick with Helly.
3:06 pm
December 17, 2016

There's a wealth management guy in Winnipeg, writes a weekly column for the Winnipeg Free Press called Dollars and Sense. He does a pretty nice job of deconstructing the latest rules and regulations when to comes to personal finance. The problem is that newspaper has a paywall so sometimes you can see the column in it's entirety and sometimes not - you can also try out your luck through PressReader.
Anyway his name is David Christianson and you can see some of his articles on HIS business website (although they may not be his most current pieces) here - give him a shot and see for yourself -
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