7:43 pm
October 21, 2013

8:02 pm
April 6, 2013

Another copy of the list of essential workplaces, from a Government of Ontario site:
Really odd that it wasn't easy to find. Perhaps, it is still a draft and not final.
8:27 am
April 2, 2018

Hi Hoii, Hi hoiiii. Hick... Good thing, hick ... ups ... burb... that booze is available, hick... we all have to do clean up from inside too, hick... burp... with pure and tasty alcohol. Who cares for toilet paper and bleach; you cannot eat nor drink that.
Scotch, Gin, good red vine is the cure... Hick... Cheers. Hick...
12:57 pm
December 12, 2009

pooreva said
Hi Hoii, Hi hoiiii. Hick... Good thing, hick ... ups ... burb... that booze is available, hick... we all have to do clean up from inside too, hick... burp... with pure and tasty alcohol. Who cares for toilet paper and bleach; you cannot eat nor drink that.
Scotch, Gin, good red vine is the cure... Hick... Cheers. Hick...
+1 to this. I trust there was sarcasm there on the inclusion of liquor stores. I suspect they were included solely because of potential citizen riot fears otherwise. 🙁
3:02 pm
September 11, 2013

3:42 pm
December 12, 2009

Bill said
Premier Ford was asked that question about LCBO & pot shops, he said it may look weird but that those who work in the field of addiction, substance abuse, etc advised him it was not a good idea during this time of stress and hardship to cut off those who need access to their "medicine" (my word).
Seems odd, though, particularly when one can order liquor and marijuana online. They could waive the shipping fees, too.
5:39 pm
October 21, 2013

Alcoholics can't wait for the next delivery date. They always need it NOW.
Unlike his idiotic advice of March 12, telling everyone to go off to another country on March break, this is a subject Ford may actually know something about as he has family members who have or have had drug and alcohol issues.
6:05 pm
July 10, 2011

2:32 pm
April 2, 2018

Bill said
Premier Ford was asked that question about LCBO & pot shops, he said it may look weird but that those who work in the field of addiction, substance abuse, etc advised him it was not a good idea during this time of stress and hardship to cut off those who need access to their "medicine" (my word).
I might be little bit dumb or slow but so far I could not figure out WHERE FROM those addicts get money for their 'medicine'??? Not every single addict has fantastic paid job; I assume most are broke or poor, mildly said from what I can see passing occasionally by LCBO.
Bottle of wine is about $15. I guess they have to go through 1-2 bottles a day. No idea how much drugs cost nor really care but most likely way more.
So, question still stands: where they get money from to buys that stuff?
2:37 pm
April 26, 2019

3:58 pm
December 12, 2009

pooreva said
I might be little bit dumb or slow but so far I could not figure out WHERE FROM those addicts get money for their 'medicine'??? Not every single addict has fantastic paid job; I assume most are broke or poor, mildly said from what I can see passing occasionally by LCBO.
Bottle of wine is about $15. I guess they have to go through 1-2 bottles a day. No idea how much drugs cost nor really care but most likely way more.
So, question still stands: where they get money from to buys that stuff?
Several sources, not limited to provincial income assistance or persons with disability assistance, Old Age Security or Guaranteed Income Supplement (age-dependent), Spouses Allowance (age-dependent), CPP disability pension, CPP dependent pension, Veterans' pension, collecting bottles and returning them for the deposits, panhandling, borrowing from friends, and temporary labour jobs.
5:10 pm
April 6, 2013

pooreva said
… Not every single addict has fantastic paid job; I assume most are broke or poor, mildly said from what I can see passing occasionally by LCBO. …
That's not the case. They form quite a diverse group as far as income and appearance. One likely didn't notice many of them at the LCBO because they dress and act fine when they are sober.
Just that $300+ is diverted each month from their retirement savings or from their kid's university fund.
I've dated some of them until I realized they had a serious "habit".
5:19 pm
March 17, 2018

Alcohol withdrawal can be a very serious medical condition. Alcoholics who get admitted to hospital need to be loaded up with diazepam to prevent seizures, thiamine to prevent encephalopathy because they are usually malnourished, and quite often they have some degree of liver failure and need meds for that too. Cannabis withdrawal doesnt seem to be as bad so I wouldn't consider retail cannabis stores essential. I think Netflix and cable tv is essential during a quarantine, otherwise people will go stir crazy.
5:28 pm
December 12, 2009

Briguy said
Alcohol withdrawal can be a very serious medical condition. Alcoholics who get admitted to hospital need to be loaded up with diazepam to prevent seizures, thiamine to prevent encephalopathy because they are usually malnourished, and quite often they have some degree of liver failure and need meds for that too. Cannabis withdrawal doesnt seem to be as bad so I wouldn't consider retail cannabis stores essential. I think Netflix and cable tv is essential during a quarantine, otherwise people will go stir crazy.
I'm thinking more for people who buy recreational marijuana from a cannabis store for medical purposes. Lots of people with arthritis, epilepsy, cancer, pain, and the like use cannabis oils, CBD oil, and various edibles. Agree it's not as essential for those without any medical-related issues.
5:30 pm
September 11, 2013

My wife has a friend who has a granddaughter who's a single Mom, 3 kids with 2 guys both long gone, she gets a whack of taxpayer money plus free rent, especially as one of her kids is autistic & she just got a bunch more because of that, and I'm told she regularly buys drugs. That's the only person I personally know of "on drugs" & that's mainly how she gets her money. Re. booze I know a number of folks who drink a fair bit of wine during the evening after work, pretty much every night as far as I can tell, they've no problem affording that & I'm pretty sure they'd not be happy if their supply was cut off. Lots of ways to get money for your pleasures.
Please write your comments in the forum.