10:09 am
February 27, 2018

Enbridge has received the approval for a 6.4% rate increase effective Jan 1st 2019 from the OEB (Ontario Energy Board). Can the oeb ever say NO, is the word "no" even in their vocabulary?
This has me thinking... Is it possible to do some kind of swap? My wife is always saying "NO" whereas the OEB always say "YES". I've seen movies where the consciousness of one can be put into another. Yeah.
Honey... oh Honey, i know what i want for Christmas.
10:28 am
December 17, 2016

You can always phone around and see what other Gas Marketers are charging in your region - I would think that if Enbridge received that approval so would/will all the other providers.
I would add that you should never, ever sign up for a fixed rate fixed period contract unless the marketer offers you something ridiculous like $1.00/26.853 Cubic metres (m³) natural gas - and if they do GO LONG.
11:55 am
December 2, 2018

In BC we have been strongly advise to NOT use a Marketer or a Third Party Billing Service. It is only logical that a good Re-Biller will make a huge profit from you. They will pay what you would have paid Enbridge and then you will pay a bit more and keep in mind if rates go up or down you will pay that exact rate with Enbridge but a Marketer will have you on a non negotiable contract.
And for Christmas you want your wife to give you gas???
Merry Christmas
It is a worth while effort to turn on ALERTS on your Credit Cards and Bank/Credit Union Accounts.
6:40 pm
February 27, 2018

6:44 pm
July 10, 2011

7:30 pm
October 27, 2013

Kidd said
Enbridge has received the approval for a 6.4% rate increase effective Jan 1st 2019 from the OEB (Ontario Energy Board). Can the oeb ever say NO, is the word "no" even in their vocabulary?
The news release is pretty clear. This is to cover the increased cost of gas that Enbridge has to buy to re-sell to you. With a regulated rate, they are not allowed to make a profit on the actual sale of the commodity, but they certainly don't take a loss on it either. This is standard practice everywhere in regulated, as compared to contracted, gas supplies.
As already noted, going with the regulated rate guarantees you will not be ripped off like it could be with re-sellers who have to have margin to pay their re-sellers and to buy counterparty contracts to lock in supply for that contracted rate for that period. When you buy for $$ for a fixed period of time such as 2 years, that marketer has to lock in supply at a price that can provide a profit. It is absolutely nuts to consider anything other than the regulated utility rate.
2:16 pm
December 17, 2016

The second graph on the link provided below shows the history and current gas prices, per GJ (1 GJ = 26.853 m³ of natural gas), at the Dawn Hub - the likely receipt point for Enbridge Distribution. The natural gas then gets distributed through the local distribution system to end-users for immediate, clean-burning, on-demand usage for natural gas heating, natural gas fired hot water tanks, natural gas stoves, natural gas fireplaces, etc.
4:50 pm
February 27, 2018

Thank you, Top It Up
The graph from your link illustrates, Ontario pays 4 times the price of Alberta and 10 times the price of BC for natural gas. AND YET Enbridge claim that they are not making a profit? I guess Bell and Rogers also never make a profit and there really was no man on the grassy knoll. It was a woman.
7:13 pm
October 27, 2013

You don't understand how gas is bought and sold. Enbridge's gas utility in Ontario is buying gas at the Dawn hub to resell to consumers. They can't access AB prices at Dawn. You pay what they pay for the commodity. Pipelines like Enbridge and TransCanada only transport gas, i.e. they don't own it.
Gas is priced as it is in AB and BC because there is more supply than there is pipeline capacity to take it away to market. The folks making the money are the shippers who have the transportation capacity to get it from A to B, and they are usually the middlemen marketers, or even gas production companies.
Added: It also costs $0.77/GJ to ship gas from Empress, AB to the Dawn hub on the TransCanada system.
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