Do GICs length or their rate have to be registered with BoC or any other organization? | General financial discussion | Discussion forum This forum requires Javascript to be enabled for posting content Please consider registeringguest Log In Register Login name Password Remember me Register | Lost password? Select Forum Announcements New members welcome and introductions Site suggestions Credit card reward programs General comparisons General financial discussion GIC discussions Income tax filing Investing Mortgages RRSPs and RRIFs Small business accounts Tax Free Savings Accounts Your stories Achieva Financial Alterna Bank BMO Bridgewater Bank Canadian Tire CIBC Coast Capital Savings DUCA Credit Union EQ Bank Hubert Financial ICICI Bank Ideal Savings Laurentian Bank LBC Digital Luminus Financial Manulife Bank MAXA Financial MCAN Financial Meridian Credit Union Motive Financial motusbank National Bank Neo Financial Oaken Financial Omnia Direct Outlook Financial PC Financial Peoples Trust RBC Royal Bank Saven Financial Scotiabank Simplii Financial Steinbach Credit Union Tangerine Bank Vancity Wealth One Bank of Canada Wealthsimple AcceleRate Financial Ally B2B Bank Citizens Bank HSBC Implicity Financial Wyth Financial (formerly Concentra Bank) Zag Bank Zenbanx Search Advanced Search Advanced Search— Forum Scope —Current forumAll forums— Match —Match any wordMatch all wordsMatch phrase— Forum Options —Posts onlyTopic titles onlyPosts and topic titlesMinimum search word length is 3 characters - maximum search word length is 84 characters Search Home Discussion forum General financial discussion Do GICs length or their rate have to be registered with BoC or any other organization? Topic RSS Do GICs length or their rate have to be registered with BoC or any other organization? Facebook Twitter Email this January 11, 20234:05 pm butterflycharm Member Members Forum Posts: 177 Member Since: April 19, 2019 Offline 1 Are GICs provided by any financial institutions need to be registered or are listed anywhere with BoC or any other organization? Or they don't have to be and are only locally listed by the financial institution that provides them? All RSS © Simple:Press New/Recently Updated Topics Brokerage investment savings accounts EQ Bank "Joint Gic's" Market/Equity linked GICS - CDIC covered… Netfile/capital gains problem?? NetFile Online (PDF) vs mailed paper tax slips Tax Software - 2023 What are goods originating in the United… Phony Alterna GIC's Goodbye Hubert/Access Hubert is Almost DEAD! 4.60% (formerly 4.70% and 4.80%) on TFSA… Manulife 4.70% Offer Rates Not Changing Buying An Oaken GIC Using Money Still 'O… New deposit offer between March and June… Targeted Offer - New Money from March 6,…
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