Currecy Exchange Rate Options?
April 19, 2015
6:58 am
6:58 am
Forum Posts: 5
Member Since:
October 28, 2014
October 28, 2014

What service or financial institution are you using for currency exchange? At the moment, my currency exchange requirement is for CAD to US and up to a few thousands at most. I have been using Tangerine exclusively for my US exchanges, however with the low Canadian dollar I am looking for alternative that offers better rates.
For transfers under $1,000 I use xe.com (review: https://www.highinterestsavings.ca/2012/04/xe-trade-review-cad-usd-online-currency-exchange/). For transfer over $1,000 I use CanadianForex.ca (review: https://www.highinterestsavings.ca/2015/01/canadianforex-review-great-foreign-exchange-rates-and-support/). CanadianForex.ca has better rates, but has a $1,000 minimum.
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