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CRA quarterly payments
April 12, 2020
8:36 am
British Columbia, Canada
Forum Posts: 4306
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December 12, 2009
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Bill said
Just finished my 2019 paper return, ready to write a cheque, appears sending them a cheque with the return is no longer a payment option! I was probably the last one...…...  

They're probably just emphasizing payment options. I suspect if you mailed them a cheque, they would not refuse your money.

pooreva said

Why would you write them check NOW when they delayed payments of installments and tax due to August 31?  

He might've post-dated it for August 31, 2020. sf-cool

Nonetheless, I take your point.

AltaRed said
Bill payment via your online banking platform.  

With CRA My Account, they have a neat feature whereby you can use the EFT system to schedule your payment, or payments, from your linked direct deposit account. Because the payment is withdrawn directly by the CRA, it's automatically posted to your CRA My Account versus with online banking bill payment, which can take several days to post to your CRA My Account. The withdrawal will appear as a pre-authorized debit payment from your account. I've never had to pay a balance owing the CRA, but did it for my dad one year. Very easy to do. Online banking payment is a good option, absolutely, but I would say I mildly prefer the CRA My Account bank account payment option. sf-cool


April 12, 2020
8:54 am
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February 27, 2018
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i have also paid the taxes owing for 2019. i figured, Trudeau needs the money to give away and me withholding my taxes, makes little to no difference to me (it's not like I'm making 10% on my money or anything). AND i will continue to make installment payments on time.

i will admit... i tire of pulling the wagon with so many freeloaders on it... if you can't pay your own god damn bills, get rid of your $1,000 cell phone and your expensive phone package, for a start. and those triple espresso lattes you have to drink daily.

okay... how do i get a handgun?

April 12, 2020
9:13 am
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Kidd said
i will admit... i tire of pulling the wagon with so many freeloaders on it... if you can't pay your own god damn bills, get rid of your $1,000 cell phone and you expensive phone package, for a start. and those triple espresso lattes you have to drink daily.

okay... how do i get a handgun?  

Agreed, get rid of your $1,000 cell phone and you expensive phone package. I'm perfectly fine with my $150 phone and below $50 monthly phone bill.

Handgun? It only looks like it difficult to get a license, etc.
I'm a registered firearm owner for over 20 years now.
Have a few handguns and revolvers too in my collection at home.
Never had any issues with RCMP or local police, never had any inspections in my home regarding safe storage of my guns.
I take my handguns to my friends farm land outside of the city, a lot of fun, really.

April 12, 2020
9:28 am
Forum Posts: 242
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Kidd said
i have also paid the taxes owing for 2019. i figured, Trudeau needs the money to give away and me withholding my taxes, makes little to no difference to me (it's not like I'm making 10% on my money or anything). AND i will continue to make installment payments on time.

i will admit... i tire of pulling the wagon with so many freeloaders on it... if you can't pay your own god damn bills, get rid of your $1,000 cell phone and your expensive phone package, for a start. and those triple espresso lattes you have to drink daily.

okay... how do i get a handgun?  

Check out

April 12, 2020
9:40 am
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Winnie said

Agreed, get rid of your $1,000 cell phone and you expensive phone package. I'm perfectly fine with my $150 phone and below $50 monthly phone bill.

Handgun? It only looks like it difficult to get a license, etc.
I'm a registered firearm owner for over 20 years now.
Have a few handguns and revolvers too in my collection at home.
Never had any issues with RCMP or local police, never had any inspections in my home regarding safe storage of my guns.
I take my handguns to my friends farm land outside of the city, a lot of fun, really.  

Winnie I would double check on taking your handgun to your friends farmland.As far as I know you can only take it to a solicitor general approved gun range.Please correct me if I am wrong.If I am right, the penalty would be VERY severe.

April 12, 2020
9:47 am
British Columbia, Canada
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semi-retired said

Winnie I would double check on taking your handgun to your friends farmland.As far as I know you can only take it to a solicitor general approved gun range.Please correct me if I am wrong.If I am right, the penalty would be VERY severe.  

Not sure that's correct. I believe there are strict rules for transport whereby it has to be transported in a disassembled manner, in a secure case, and, of course, not loaded. But I don't think Winnie would be breaking the law taking it to her friend's farmland, assuming she's of course following all the transportation protocols and has an up-to-date firearm's license.


April 12, 2020
10:45 am
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semi-retired said

Winnie I would double check on taking your handgun to your friends farmland.As far as I know you can only take it to a solicitor general approved gun range.Please correct me if I am wrong.If I am right, the penalty would be VERY severe.  

Yes, legally, I'm not breaking any rules.
I have "collectors" status with store at home permission.
Besides gun ranges, I also can legally take my handguns for inspections and repairs. Usually I take them to my friends farmland 2-4 times per year with all the transportation protocols.

April 12, 2020
12:39 pm
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I'm going to continue making my tax installments on time too.
The August extension is only a few weeks after the June installment payment anyway.
All these extensions and bailouts , I guess no one has an emergency fund anymore.

April 12, 2020
1:35 pm
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Winnie said
I have "collectors" status with store at home permission.

Just curious: How did you get 'collectors' status? Any form to fill? Or you were active shooter and then decided not to go to the range anymore and started calling yourself 'collector'.
I am not aware of ANY rules where disassembled restricted weapon can be transported without proper ATT from place A to B.

April 12, 2020
3:13 pm
Forum Posts: 196
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October 22, 2015
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To apply to be a Collector, you'll have to prove why you are collecting and back up that knowledge in an interview with a CFO. Those are the "questions".

You'll only get an ATT if you have a valid gun club membership, just like any restricted license holder. You can phone the RCMP for a Short term ATT to take your guns to a gun show or a gunsmith, and won't get hassled either. You aren't "less likely" to get one than a regular RPAL holder.

The main benefit is that if you're not a member of a club you can still transfer a firearm to your name, and you're still 100% able to hold onto your restricted firearms (and renew your RPAL) with a membership to a club. In some provinces the CFO will ask you to join a club when renewing your licence if you possess restricted firearms because the only reason you have them is "target shooting". If you're a Collector they don't ask for anything.

April 12, 2020
4:35 pm
Forum Posts: 4061
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September 11, 2013
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Check the tax guide or any online info re ways to pay and I no longer can see a reference to cheques, also last page of return for the first time (I think) makes no reference to mailing cheque made out to Receiver General. Appears not to be an option. Thanks, AltaRed, I've got my TD account set up for direct deposit, from years ago when I got refunds, so what you suggest sounds like the easiest option for me.

For the few bucks interest I'll just pay it now, done, plus gov't needs money right now to shovel it back out the door to those in need.

April 13, 2020
6:27 am
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July 6, 2017
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When I first began following this website I made certain assumptions about which segment of society I was dealing with. Since most recent discussions seem to quickly devolve into talk about firearms I can see that I was right.

April 13, 2020
6:52 am
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March 15, 2019
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Kidd said
i have also paid the taxes owing for 2019. i figured, Trudeau needs the money to give away and me withholding my taxes, makes little to no difference to me (it's not like I'm making 10% on my money or anything). AND i will continue to make installment payments on time.  

I agree. Just finishing up my parents and my family taxes today and will file all tomorrow. No sense waiting and can check it off my list of things to do that are done!

April 13, 2020
6:58 am
Forum Posts: 499
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December 7, 2011
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pooreva said
Just curious: How did you get 'collectors' status? Any form to fill? Or you were active shooter and then decided not to go to the range anymore and started calling yourself 'collector'. 

fabafter50 said
To apply to be a Collector, you'll have to prove why you are collecting and back up that knowledge in an interview with a CFO. Those are the "questions".

It was surprisingly easy to get "collectors" status.
I had no handguns at all at that time and was not involved in target shooting in any club or range.
I just received my restricted license and immediately wrote a letter to CFO expressing my desire to collect handguns here, in Canada. I stated only one reason - in my old country in Europe I also collected handguns and would like to do the same here, in Canada. Thant was everything. No interview with CFO, no forms to fill.

April 13, 2020
10:07 am
Forum Posts: 440
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April 2, 2018
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Not to 'pollute' this topic with non-financial discussion, as some members are so sensitive fabafter50 please adjust your profile to allow me to send you PM with few questions. Currently I cannot do that.

June 21, 2020
11:06 am
Forum Posts: 4061
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September 11, 2013
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CRA prescribed rate for non arm's-length loans set to go down to 1%. Might be good time to split income via loaning to low income family members for their investment (e.g. dividend stocks) purposes. Of course, unless markets tank, or severe recession, or depression, etc, etc.

July 27, 2020
6:47 pm
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Extended another month, now have until September 30 to pay any remaining 2019 taxes payable.

July 27, 2020
8:11 pm
BC Interior
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Bill said
Extended another month, now have until September 30 to pay any remaining 2019 taxes payable.  

Truly seems silly......

July 28, 2020
5:54 am
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Handy in my case, AltaRed, one estate I'm administering makes several hundred in interest every month on the 2019 taxes still owing. Bonus Optimum points and other "rewards" may not turn my crank, but this I like.

July 28, 2020
8:08 am
BC Interior
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Perhaps in particularly unique cases such as Final T1s but moving targets tend to confuse people. It's been asked elsewhere whether that includes the Sept 15th installment payment. Well, of course it does, but that is worth 77 cents per $1000 of interest before tax @2%.

Individual financial situations won't be different on Sept 30th than they were on Sept 1st and it doesn't change Dec 15th installments or 2020 taxes due on April 30th, 2021. If they are going to slide it to Sept 30th, why not Dec 31st? Or just double up with 2021 taxes due on Apr 30th, 2021? Why not just waive taxes altogether?

This country's bills have to be paid sometime. Just get on with it.

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