2:34 pm
May 21, 2016

It would be nice if CRA and the Government of Canada has a listing of entitlements for those who are working from home. It seems any info we're getting is from media sources.
While the GoC has a web "tool" for those who suffered wage loss during 2020, they don't have one from those working from home (WFH) or at least not easily found.
I've been getting a lot of misinformation from co-workers about the entitlements.
As such, i thought I would post this thread so everyone could add what they know.
I will start with a link for using your home personal space during COVID https://www.canada.ca/en/revenue-agency/news/2020/12/simplifying-the-process-for-claiming-a-deduction-for-home-office-expenses-for-employees-working-from-home-due-to-covid-19.html
Please write your comments in the forum.