10:17 am
June 20, 2019

You will get the extra payment amount automatically if you normally receive the GST/HST credit and have filed a 2018 tax return. Payments will be issued on April 9, 2020.
This payment amount will be the same as your annual GST credit.
10:28 am
December 12, 2009

Redfish said
https://www.canada.ca/en/revenue-agency/services/child-family-benefits/covid-19-gsthstc-increase.htmlYou will get the extra payment amount automatically if you normally receive the GST/HST credit and have filed a 2018 tax return. Payments will be issued on April 9, 2020.
This payment amount will be the same as your annual GST credit.
Thanks, yeah, I was surprised my GST/LICAT payment on April 3, 2020, was only $111.14—it did not include the special annual payment. I hadn't realized they were doing it as a separate EFT run. Meant to post something here, so this is useful.
12:28 pm
November 8, 2018

12:32 pm
December 12, 2009

Alexandre said
For those who subscribed to CRA MyAccount, they can see amount to be paid as well as date when it'll be paid, in their account.
The date is the same for all tax filers. While one can use CRA My Account to view anticipated and past credit payments, including the date paid, one can also use the CRA's public website to view the exact date on which direct deposits will be credited to one's account. Some FIs, like Tangerine, will post the credits on a Saturday if normally paid on a Monday, so you may get it sooner, but will never get it later than (other than maybe using Mogo/Revolut/Koho/Stack and other prepaid credit cards) the published date.
8:11 pm
February 16, 2013

I am baffled. I am the executor for my mother's estate. She passed away last September. Her bank account received a GST payment last October which I had to pay back, because they do not pay to deceased persons. Imagine my surprise when I saw this new GST bonus deposited to her account yesterday. So now estates (and executors) either have to pay it back to the government or remain in perpetual limbo if they keep getting bonus cheques. Seems to be a waste of taxpayers money to pay this to benficiaries.
8:37 pm
April 26, 2019

Will this help?
Has her last income tax been done after her death as deceased?
Did you contact CPP and OAS? A death certificate has links to notifying many provincial and federal agencies.
I don’t remember name of document but after last tax is done you ask CRA for it and that will say the deceased estate is paid and no more tax is due.
6:28 am
September 11, 2013

9:17 am
October 21, 2013

9:32 am
December 12, 2009

Loonie said
Someone who died last September ought not to still have a bank account. The account should have been changed to "The Estate of ..." New account will have a new number, which you would not have linked to CRA or any government agencies, so it would not be possible to deposit GST rebate to it.
Depends. Practice varies wildly among the major banks (can't speak for the credit unions). Sometimes "estate" accounts are kept in the deceased client's name. Other times, whether an "estate" account or a deceased account, the accounts are either blocked or restrictions imposed that require staff intervention, ostensibly by the bank's processing centre, in order to allow the transaction to proceed. There appear to be no set laws or regulations regarding the standardization of the handling of deceased and "estate" accounts—it really does seem to be an internal policies, unique to each bank, which guide such minutiae.
The good thing is...for those worried about how their own deceased account will be handled need not worry as it will become their executor's(trix)' bugaboo to handle! Trying to proactively suss out each bank's handling procedures is somewhat of a mugg's game in that (a) they may not tell you or (b) when they do, the procedures may have changed when you pass away.
10:00 am
September 11, 2013

10:17 am
October 21, 2013

In the event of a joint account holder, the deceased's name should have been removed from the account by now. Any monies owing to the deceased which are paid after the death belong in an estate account or can be processed by a lawyer through their trust account.
I agree that any such deposits should be automatically returned if the death has been reported. I saw this happen once with a government cheque. It was deposited and reversed on the same day wihtout any intervention from the joint holder.
10:27 am
February 16, 2013

GICinvestor said
Has her last income tax been done after her death as deceased?
Did you contact CPP and OAS? A death certificate has links to notifying many provincial and federal agencies.
Hi GICInvestor,
Yes, I contacted CPP and OAS back in the month she passed away as well as CRA. CPP and OAS completely stopped. As I mentioned, CRA paid the GST credit the following month in error and sent me a note to repay it (which I did) - so they obviously know she is deceased. They also have a copy of the death certificate and will and show me as executor on MyAccount. I just completed the final tax return and mailed it in last week as it is only due on April 30th.I will be applying for the clearance certificate once I receive the Notice of Assessment. I am just not looking forward to waiting an hour in the phone queue to clarify this. Thank you for your comments.
10:31 am
February 16, 2013

Bill said
MG, had you notified CRA of her passing?
Hi Bill,
Yes I notified CRA the month she passed away. They have a copy of the will and death certificate. I am set up as her executor on MYAccount (via Represent a Client).
As I also mentioned, they paid a GST Credit in error the month after she passed away and sent me a letter requesting repayment, which I did.
Thank you for your comment.
10:35 am
September 11, 2013

MG, don't forget, the actual payment of any taxes owing isn't due until the end of August. If you defer that it won't hold up the NOA but I believe it would hold up the clearance certificate.
I was doing an estate recently and CRA lost or misplaced the original docs I sent them, had to send Death Certificate, etc a 2nd time some months later.
10:37 am
February 16, 2013

Loonie said
Someone who died last September ought not to still have a bank account. The account should have been changed to "The Estate of ..." New account will have a new number, which you would not have linked to CRA or any government agencies, so it would not be possible to deposit GST rebate to it.
Hi Loonie,
Good points but the account was joint so no estate account was set up. BMO was totally fine with that. I contacted them recently as I also got the CPP Death Benefit cheque and BMO said there was no point setting up an estate account for it. Even if I set up a new account, it might be linked to CRA in case I was expecting a tax refund, right? The odd thing is they are completely aware that she has passed away as I had to repay a GST credit paid in error last October. Seems like I am going to have to call in after all.
Please write your comments in the forum.