Coast Capital Savings public website and online banking goes down; down more than 13 hours
July 1, 2022
2:02 pm
2:02 pm
British Columbia, Canada
Forum Posts: 4306
Member Since:
December 12, 2009
December 12, 2009

Coast Capital Savings Federal Credit Union's public website and online banking system was reported to be completely offline more than 13 hours ago. Initially, Coast's Social Media team responded that there was no online banking or public website outage, but now, as of 13 minutes ago, the Social Media team confirms the outage is affecting "some" members; however, even that appears inaccurate. It appears to be a case of their PR team intentionally overly downplaying the extent to minimize public reputational damage. No estimate as to when public website or online banking will be restored.
My initial tests show it appears to be a DNS issue.
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