10:57 am
December 23, 2011

First Costco
Then Walmart
Now Shoppers Drugs....and RBC MasterCard.
See here
3:53 pm
October 21, 2013

I'm sure the Shoppers switch has everything to do with Loblaw and PCFinancial. I fully expected it.
I also expect that PCPoints and Optimum will merge in due course. I never trust any merchant who buys out a company and says nothing is going to change. It's never the case. They only say that to stop people from
4:04 pm
December 23, 2011

Loonie said
I'm sure the Shoppers switch has everything to do with Loblaw and PCFinancial. I fully expected it.
I also expect that PCPoints and Optimum will merge in due course. I never trust any merchant who buys out a company and says nothing is going to change. It's never the case. They only say that to stop people from
Ahhh makes sense. Was aware but did not connect....never shop at either. Shoppers is toooooooo expensive and PC is tooooooo dirty.
12:48 am
October 21, 2013

Dirty? Here, they seem to be about the same as any other grocery store, except for some of the No Frills ones.
Yes, Shoppers is very expensive. And they have unethical practices on "Seniors Day". Many times we have seen them put something on "sale" at 50 cents off, so that they can avoid giving the Seniors Discount of 20% (which is only available on full price items). These are mysterious one-day sales, often on items typically bought by seniors, and they are often not even displayed as such on the shelf, appearing only on your receipt to ensure that you don't get your seniors discount. Most people don't read the bill before they leave the store, if ever, so they don't realize they never got their discount.
6:51 am
December 23, 2011

Loonie said
Dirty? Here, they seem to be about the same as any other grocery store, except for some of the No Frills ones.
Yes, Shoppers is very expensive. And they have unethical practices on "Seniors Day". Many times we have seen them put something on "sale" at 50 cents off, so that they can avoid giving the Seniors Discount of 20% (which is only available on full price items). These are mysterious one-day sales, often on items typically bought by seniors, and they are often not even displayed as such on the shelf, appearing only on your receipt to ensure that you don't get your seniors discount. Most people don't read the bill before they leave the store, if ever, so they don't realize they never got their discount.
Yes dirty.....take a look around the fresh produce area and bulk area...dirty scoops, dirty scales, and dirty bins. That place is down right disgusting!!! And I have heard their delivery trailers are disgustingly dirty too.
And have you ever seen a happy and smiley employee working there??? What does that tell you. They hire the "un-hireables" and treat them like "you know what" ..... with no recourse.
And now that you mentioned about the games Shoppers plays.......it does not surprise me but like I say it is just toooooo expensive to shop there. And recently a friend of my wife mailed two identical packages to the same place ..... one from a Canada Post Office .... and one from the Shoppers Drug Post Office. The latter was a higher rate and apparently the Post Office outlets/franchisees or what ever they are called can do that. But I have not confirmed....just be aware!!!
Canadian Tire does similar to Shoppers as well. They mark bins with "Special" with yellow tags and if you lift them you will see the Special price is the same old, same old, day to day selling price. Another place I rarely shop there as well. If you want to play with your customers and trick them, then they can take their products and their self check out and shove it!!! But you can have employees meandering about with their retail "don't ask me" faces on.
Please write your comments in the forum.