8:21 am
December 17, 2016

Canadians are the most indebted in the world, OECD says, as it warns on rising debt risk
“While higher indebtedness does not necessarily imply that problems are just around the corner, it does increase vulnerability to shocks.”
2:44 pm
July 10, 2011

6:25 pm
August 9, 2014

Yatti420 said
Ontario is the most indebted city/state or province in North America...
Pretty much depends on do you count debt from Hydro Ontario (or whats left of it) as public debt, or as corporate debt that are pay by user. It can work both ways as there are intrinsic government gareentee, but the debt are not serviced from general tax revenue.
8:57 pm
December 12, 2009

Jon said
Pretty much depends on do you count debt from Hydro Ontario (or whats left of it) as public debt, or as corporate debt that are pay by user. It can work both ways as there are intrinsic government gareentee, but the debt are not serviced from general tax revenue.
Good point, not sure how much of Ontario's debt actually belongs to Hydro One. I suspect it's a good chunk but you also have Ontario Power Generation. Does Hydro One also handle high voltage transmission or does it just do distribution? If the latter, there may be another Crown corporation doing transmission. Orng or whatever probably has a fair bit of debt as well as whatever your regional health authorities are called, the OPP, regional police services, the health care system, the transportation network, Metrolinx, etc. 🙂
Also, Hydro One is legislatively prohibited from selling less than 44% to the public shareholders and it's currently around 46-48% owned by the Province of Ontario so, in effect, about half its debt is the responsibility of the province. 🙂
Related: Anyone here think that the City of Toronto should either IPO Toronto Hydro or sell it, at the top of the market, to either Hydro One, Fortis or Emera? Realize the windfall and reinvest those proceeds into public transit projects (think: new subway and light rail transit lines, rapid bus connections to the "burbs" and GO trains, etc.).
3:38 pm
August 9, 2014

Top It Up said
Canadians are the most indebted in the world, OECD says, as it warns on rising debt riskhttp://business.financialpost......-debt-risk
“While higher indebtedness does not necessarily imply that problems are just around the corner, it does increase vulnerability to shocks.”
I am actually more interested to see what happen in UK, as they also have very high debt, and Brexit just cause a drop in income which is going to make debt service more difficult.
6:24 am
September 11, 2013

12:37 pm
July 10, 2011

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