12:07 am
October 21, 2013

12:12 am
April 14, 2021

8:35 am
March 17, 2018

They are expanding in Ontario, have 3 locations already and opening up a fourth this year in Kitchener.
11:11 am
December 12, 2009

Loonie said
Spouse saw an ad recently about a new? branch on or near Adelaide near the fianancial district. It appears to be available for personal clients.
Once in a while someone posts something about CWB, so might be useful sometime.
I wouldn't expect the branch to help with any Motive issues.
Yes, that`s correct. Canadian Western Bank is expanding in Ontario for personal and commercial banking clients, but you`re right, the branch can`t help with Motive Financial accounts (including estate or deceased accounts).
To be honest, though, I wouldn`t bother with Motive Financial, given they`ve adopted a mandatory, proprietary two-factor authentication and to login to your account once per month to avoid a lockout. GIC rates with CWB are only slightly lower than Motive Financial and Motive`s chequing and savings accounts just don`t keep pace with industry-leading products elsewhere. Save your executor or executrix the hassle and avoid Motive Financial.
12:07 pm
January 12, 2019

What Doug said ⬆
Personally, I think 2FA is a Good Thing, but it would most likely create an additional hassle for an executor.
The one thing I Wasn't aware of, was getting Locked-Out at Motive if you don't login at least once a month. I usually login about once a week, so I wouldn't affected, but that still seems kind of Ridiculous, if you ask me !
Rumor has it that we should see some major improvements with the Motive website & features, 'sometime' later this year. Let's hope it Really happens.
- Dean
" Live Long, Healthy ... And Prosper! "
2:57 pm
February 14, 2023

2:18 am
April 14, 2021

1:11 pm
January 10, 2017

Doug said
I wouldn`t bother with Motive Financial, given they`ve adopted a mandatory, proprietary two-factor authentication and to login to your account once per month to avoid a lockout. GIC rates with CWB are only slightly lower than Motive Financial and Motive`s chequing and savings accounts just don`t keep pace with industry-leading products elsewhere.
Their 2FA is via phone text or email. The only pain is they ask for it every single time you login even if it was only a few minutes from your last login. I have not noticed a 30 day lockout if there is no login. Can you point to a policy on their website? They have a leading daily interest rate. What "industry-leading" products are we missing?
Please write your comments in the forum.