6:59 pm
April 14, 2021

canadian.100 said
The shoes were not Prada nor Ferregamo but they were a VERY decent pair of New Balance Running shoes (made in USA, not China) that needed some stitching reinforced just from normal usage after 5 years.
You had a pair of Running shoes that did not wear out over a period of five years?
Obviously, there wasn't much Running involved.
I burn through a pair in about 6 weeks.
7:19 pm
February 7, 2019

2:31 am
November 18, 2017

pooreva: I weigh 100 Kg and ride a motorcycle daily. There is no shoe that will not require resoling at least once a year in my life.
As to quality - I used to buy Florsheim boots once in a while. When I asked about sole wear (previous pairs had lasted only a month or so), the seller said the soles wore out so quickly for most of his clients that they had the shoes resoled immediately after purchase. He assured me the show repair guy in the same mall would give me a discount if I brought in new shoes for soles.
So much for quality shoes lasting longer. But it should be no surprise - remember all those high-end winter boot tags: "This is a fashion boot, not a snow boot. We make no claims for their survival if actually worn in snow, mud or rain...")
(This does not apply to running shoes. I don't wear running shoes. They have too much grip on asphalt and can twist or break an ankle if they catch on the ground during low-speed maneuvers. And they melt on the pipes and stink. Tough to get off, too.)
3:29 am
September 11, 2013

I've never repaired a pair of shoes in my life, wear only running/hiking/sports shoes, replace them often. A true running shoe (New Balance etc make those plus many that just look like real running shoes for folks who just want to look sporty) will lose its shock absorption capacity after about 600k, depending on your weight, etc so I keep a running diary to know when it's time (knees let me know too) and pass them on to Goodwill, family, etc. They are virtually always made in 3rd world, I relish any opportunity to send my 1st world money to those workers, bought tons of pairs over my lifetime.
8:23 am
April 2, 2018

canadian.100 said
The shoes were not Prada nor Ferregamo but they were a VERY decent pair of New Balance Running shoes (made in USA, not China) that needed some stitching reinforced just from normal usage after 5 years.
I do not consider 'brand name' shoes high quality shoes. Overpriced garbage made in China by slave labour.
I wear Finn Comfort. Very comfortable, almost considered as orthopaedic shoes, not that cheap but worth every cent. Have few pairs of those and so far did not replace not one of them.
As for repair, if needed I can do it myself; have tools for heavy duty stiching. They only thing I cannot do is sole replacement as I do not have proper glue nor access to durable sole material. But if shoe needs sole replacement after many years of hard work, don't you think it is time to replace shoe itself?
8:29 am
April 2, 2018

RetirEd said
pooreva: I weigh 100 Kg and ride a motorcycle daily. There is no shoe that will not require resoling at least once a year in my life.
Good for you! Just stay safe as today nobody pays attention on bikers 🙁
I did ride motorcycle too for about 10 years. Everybody does things differently but I never touched road with my shoe/leg unless I was at full stop. Obviously no crazy manoeuvres, sharp turns, etc.
Did you try using heavy duty hiking shoes? Some have really hard sole almost impossible to bend.
8:36 am
December 7, 2011

pooreva said
I do not consider 'brand name' shoes high quality shoes. Overpriced garbage made in China by slave labour.
I wear Finn Comfort. Very comfortable, almost considered as orthopaedic shoes, not that cheap but worth every cent. Have few pairs of those and so far did not replace not one of them.
Exactly, me too. I wear only Finn Comfort.
Have 17 pairs for all seasons.
I buy them for reasonable price directly from Germany.
I tried many other "brand names" and not brand names, but nothing was even close comparable to Finn Comfort in my personal opinion.
8:37 am
February 7, 2019

9:24 am
April 14, 2021

10:20 am
September 11, 2013

10:42 am
January 12, 2019

5:24 am
February 1, 2016

5:42 am
April 6, 2013

The PC Money account card may look like a debit card to the cardholder. But, it is not an Interac debit card to the merchant.
This is from one of their FAQ's:
How do I use the PC Money™ Account card in-store and at ATMs? Do I select Credit or Debit at a point of sale (POS) system?
Some Credit Card terminals and Debit machines do not distinguish between debit and credit. However, if you are prompted to choose, please ask the merchant to select "Credit" in order to use your PC Money™ Account.
I suspect it is a MasterCard prepaid card to merchants. Prepaid MasterCards have an interchange of at least 1.44%. So, a surcharging merchant will apply their credit card surcharge.
7:48 am
February 7, 2019

Norman1 said
The PC Money account card may look like a debit card to the cardholder. But, it is not an Interac debit card to the merchant.This is from one of their FAQ's:
How do I use the PC Money™ Account card in-store and at ATMs? Do I select Credit or Debit at a point of sale (POS) system?
Some Credit Card terminals and Debit machines do not distinguish between debit and credit. However, if you are prompted to choose, please ask the merchant to select "Credit" in order to use your PC Money™ Account.I suspect it is a MasterCard prepaid card to merchants. Prepaid MasterCards have an interchange of at least 1.44%. So, a surcharging merchant will apply their credit card surcharge.
Thanks Norman. That's what I was wondering when I asked the question in Post 63 on the 10th ...
8:11 am
February 7, 2019

Norman1 said
The PC Money account card may look like a debit card to the cardholder. But, it is not an Interac debit card to the merchant.This is from one of their FAQ's:
How do I use the PC Money™ Account card in-store and at ATMs? Do I select Credit or Debit at a point of sale (POS) system?
Some Credit Card terminals and Debit machines do not distinguish between debit and credit. However, if you are prompted to choose, please ask the merchant to select "Credit" in order to use your PC Money™ Account.I suspect it is a MasterCard prepaid card to merchants. Prepaid MasterCards have an interchange of at least 1.44%. So, a surcharging merchant will apply their credit card surcharge.
I was hoping the PC Money card would be a good substitute where merchants choose to apply CC surcharges ...
11:19 am
October 27, 2020

Briguy said
I might be forced to pay bills of companies like Telus in the future with Can Tire bill pay to avoid the upcharge.
Thanks for mentioning this. I've just spent the last hour reading up on this. I have a CT card and would get offers to have my bills paid on it, but I always ignored them as I'd only get 1% in CT $ vs the 1.5% I get from my other CC in real cash I can use anywhere.
This is certainly something worth looking into for the big bills like House taxes and a few others. I can always find something to buy at Canadian Tire 🙂
12:02 pm
October 21, 2013

12:03 pm
October 27, 2020

Loonie said
@RetirEd: Was the surcharge clearly displayed? Did they draw your attention to this "innovation"? Did you have clear option of debit instead?
I've been wondering this very thing. Since I've heard that a merchant can only surcharge as much as they are being charged by the CC company and the rates the merchant pays can vary depending on transaction type and a host of other factors, I don't think there can be a flat rate for CC payment vs not.
For example, I've read that "premium" cards cost merchants more. I don't know what constitues a "premium" card. But it sounds like a basket of goods paid with one CC may have a different surcharge than another CC.
I'm going to want to know what the cost is of using any one of my cards BEFORE I make a purchase. I wonder too if the surcharge for a given card could be different in different stores. Sounds like it could be.
Using a CC may still make sense, as I might want the extended warranty that the CC offers. But then which card would I use? My no-fee CC or my premium one? Which one would incur the lower surcharge?
I am concerned that I'm not going to have the information I would want before making a purchase. 🙁
12:08 pm
October 27, 2020

Loonie said
There was a longish thread on this a while back, worth looking up.
I did see that. Thanks.
I find CT stores generally overpriced but good for batteries (flashlight sizes) when on sale as they tend to be fresher than at many other stores, which means you get more for your money.
I rarely buy anything else there.
Certainly not my "go to" store, and I agree that their *regular* prices are often overpriced. But when they have something on sale, one can often find a good deal.
Please write your comments in the forum.