9:41 pm
October 29, 2017

Again though, all that tells me, is that far too many people, including businesses, are living in denial.
More jobs with still low interest rates spells more consumption, more debt, more inflation, increasing wages and a bigger explosion when the trigger hits.
Nobody seems to want to let go and eventually there won’t be a choice anymore. The economies of the world can’t be maintained by credit. It simply can’t go forever unless the debts are forgiven and erased. I don’t think the creditors would be going along with that.
6:07 am
July 10, 2011

7:04 am
September 11, 2013

To me job numbers mean zero without looking only at private sector job creation. Make me PM, I can give everybody a gov't job and paycheque and have 100% employment.
Vatox, sorry but no-one on here (or anywhere) can do anything for you about the world's money woes, so "denial" might be a logical state of mind. Even austerity won't work, we're way past that as every one of us (including children, elderly, everybody else that doesn't or can't work) is hundreds of thousands in debt just re municipal, provincial and federal gov't debt alone, and NO LEVEL of austerity or extra taxes can squeeze that out of us in our lifetimes. In recent elections we've shunned politicians that talk about cuts, we now vote for those who put us deeper into debt, so the choices we freely make indicate that despite our words we don't care about the future folks (heck, even the future folks, the young voters, vote enthusiastically for the spenders!), just keep the party going. Vatox, might as well enjoy it now, too late when it's over!
7:49 am
July 10, 2011

@Bill I think we're seeing the results of electing politicians who put us deeper in debt. Most aren't in power anymore in Canada.. Ontario is the most indebted subsovereign borrower for a reason. I thank god for Trump.. Ford.. alot.. everyday.. It looks like the ship has sailed for politicians who think they can fleece taxpayers again and again and deliver 0 results... Trump changed everything. Thank god!
I still believe if Hillary was in power.. We would A. Look like Venezuela as a people. B. Likely be engaged in WW3 by now. C. So much further along the doomed road the globalists would be all over the NWO currency.. SDRs anybody?
9:53 am
September 11, 2013

Yatti420, I see what you're saying, but when I listen to people around me every day I guess I see the Trumps and Fords as one-offs with not much chance of re-election. Maybe it's just where I live and mostly hang out (southern and central Ontario), but I hear those around me vilify those guys regularly. We'll see at re-election time.
Vatox, I agree there too, but they keeping telling us "consumer confidence", faith in money, banks, etc, are vital (on 9/11 didn't Bush tell people to resume shopping asap?) so maybe it's important to keep the positive vibe going or else the party will end NOW. We don't want that.
10:20 am
December 17, 2016

12:14 pm
October 29, 2017

Bill said
Vatox, I agree there too, but they keeping telling us "consumer confidence", faith in money, banks, etc, are vital (on 9/11 didn't Bush tell people to resume shopping asap?) so maybe it's important to keep the positive vibe going or else the party will end NOW. We don't want that.
Those types of remarks are simply propaganda to keep the system going. They have to say those things in order to keep it flowing, most obviously their own paycheque and pension.
The party will end eventually and the longer it takes, the bigger the hit will be to daily life functioning.
5:33 pm
February 20, 2018

I was wrong to discount the 5yr bond inverted yield curve lull effect on gics but the economy in the u.s. is still strong n while the liberals are doing what they can to hold it back here we are going into elections in both countries trump is gonna keep pumpin for now. Weak europe china competitors good for canada in the long run makes us richer
9:37 am
October 29, 2017

hotmony said
There has never been a severe economic downturn without a severe downturn in asset prices. That would suggest an attempt to lock in asset prices and lock-out equality or 90% of the population ya we'll see
Recessions come unexpectedly with little or no indicators. Don’t look for asset values to drop as an indicator, the assets will drop when the downturn strikes. The thing to look for are dangers in the structure and the fearful triggers that light them on fire. Here’s an article.
10:06 am
February 20, 2018

A trudeau caused recession in canada maybe not in the u.s. where asset prices are more secure. Unsecured assets like the stock market wont have as profound an impact this time around fewer have a stake in it. I think banks will be able to strip away real estate equity from speculators more easily this time and pass it along to the next generation more affordably.
Bottom line: good economy still steady as she goes bond market head fake talk of a quarter point rate hike later this year
10:37 am
September 11, 2013

What I often think about is when the next really bad financial crisis comes (and the experts tell us they'll come regularly) and if any fi's are in trouble it'll be very easy for the ones popular on here to be "unavailable", i.e. websites down, no-one answering the phones, etc. Then my neighbours who keep all their money in the local bricks and mortar branch will be laughing at guys like me. This whole sending-lots-of-my-money-to-people-far-away-who-may-not-even-have-a-retail-location-to-serve-their-online-operations is a relatively recent & growing phenomenon that also just happens to be a very convenient way to harvest deposits and then duck out if things go really bad. (I get that CDIC, etc kicks in, but frozen funds during a time of severe and general financial crisis will be a bit stressful, I'd imagine.) Other than that I'm feeling pretty good today.
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