9:07 am
September 5, 2013

9:16 am
December 17, 2016

Brimleychen said
From that link -
One listener named Jennifer told 680 NEWS $2,889 was taken out of her CIBC Simplii account last week and the money is still missing. She also said her personal information was changed. She said she also reported this incident to the RCMP.
I'm hoping that individual had the necessary ALERTS set up on her account so she would have been notified immediately of that personal information activity through both a text message and an email.
9:43 am
May 28, 2013

Top It Up said
From that link -
One listener named Jennifer told 680 NEWS $2,889 was taken out of her CIBC Simplii account last week and the money is still missing. She also said her personal information was changed. She said she also reported this incident to the RCMP.
I'm hoping that individual had the necessary ALERTS set up on her account so she would have been notified immediately of that personal information activity through both a text message and an email.
Alas, Simplii's web site has this to say about alerts:
Can I set up alerts in my online banking account?
Currently, alerts are not available for Simplii FinancialTM online or mobile banking.
Let's hope they change that very soon.
9:48 am
December 17, 2016

rhvic said
Alas, Simplii's web site has this to say about alerts:
Can I set up alerts in my online banking account?Currently, alerts are not available for Simplii FinancialTM online or mobile banking.
Let's hope they change that very soon.
OOPS !!!!
I wonder how many other FIs don't offer the ability to set up alerts on their accounts?
11:37 am
December 12, 2009

I think the news media is making mountains of proverbial moleholes on these data breaches because, fundamentally, it's sensational and attracts viewers/eyeballs/clicks and drives revenue.
As I understand it, they were both informed by the perpetrators, or those purporting to be them or act for them, of information that the perpetrators now held. This could be as simple as stolen credit card numbers, which, sadly, happens all the time. 🙁
I'm not too concerned, but it shows that cyber security and information security are probably the #1 concern for financial institutions today.
12:57 pm
May 27, 2016

I just checked and I'm happy to report that my $19 horde at Simplii is still there LOL
I too was surprised when I first found out that I couldn't set any email or text alerts on my Simplii accounts -- I have them set up to monitor unauthorized access to my accounts at little guys like Alterna, DUCA, WealthOne and Ideal Savings, but the much larger Simplii can't accommodate it? Always thought it was a major shortcoming on their part
3:15 pm
January 3, 2013

4:28 pm
January 3, 2013

Kidd said
How will you know... it's them?
I will call back ... Simplii needs to make using special characters in the password mandatory (It is not even possible to use now). Make using longer passwords possible (Max is 12 characters now). And also provide alerting as already mentioned.
The only worst bank I am aware of when it comes to online security is People's Trust. They were breached and I am still flagged for that breach. Hope the same doesn't happen.
4:29 pm
January 3, 2013

4:30 pm
December 17, 2016

4:34 pm
December 17, 2016

Save2Retire@55 said
Simplii needs to make using special characters in the password mandatory (It is not even possible to use now). Make using longer passwords possible (Max is 12 characters now).
You're talking about front door stuff - the breach was through the bathroom window of which password length has nothing to do with.
4:44 pm
December 17, 2016

5:35 pm
January 3, 2013

Top It Up said
Save2Retire@55 said
Simplii needs to make using special characters in the password mandatory (It is not even possible to use now). Make using longer passwords possible (Max is 12 characters now).
You're talking about front door stuff - the breach was through the bathroom window of which password length has nothing to do with.
True but if they can't even have enough security on the front door, they won't be able to protect the hidden spots. I can expect Simplii to be hacked but BMO! That's a shame. Hopefully they don't save all the information within the same database.
5:36 pm
January 3, 2013

5:57 pm
March 21, 2018

rhvic said
Alas, Simplii's web site has this to say about alerts:
Can I set up alerts in my online banking account?Currently, alerts are not available for Simplii FinancialTM online or mobile banking.
Let's hope they change that very soon.
Thus like I said before....Alerts.....should be by text and or email. The option should be for either way.
8:35 pm
December 12, 2009

Rick said
More "issues" @ Simplii support my decision to abandon my application to use them as an alternative to Tang. Lucky me.
Go back to Coast Capital Savings for your day-to-day banking, Rick. If you don't need them for in-branch teller services, it's a slick bank. I really miss not having Me-to-Me Transfers, but that'll come. Meantime, I can use cheque deposits at their (or Exchange) ATMs or my Hubert "hub" account. 🙂
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