1:16 pm
April 11, 2020

3:57 pm
April 6, 2013

Need to create links to the BMO chequing accounts from the other bank.
BMO still does not offer linking to external accounts to personal banking clients. That's likely why the BMO personal banking staff don't know what you are asking about.
The BMO business banking staff will likely know if one asks them about customer automated funds transfers (CAFT). That is the ability to originate direct deposits and pre-authorized debits.
Canadian Western Bank page CAFT for Business explains them.
4:56 pm
October 27, 2013

9:57 pm
April 11, 2020

I understand that I can liink the companion AccountLink BMO chequing account from an erxternal bank like Tangerine or EQ. However, I don't understand how the AccountLink BMO chequing account interact with the BMO InvestorLine brokerage account? Is it the same or do I have to transfer money within BMO from on othe the other before byuing any security?
7:26 am
October 27, 2013

The BMO AccountLink chequing account automatically holds the cash of the BMO Investorline Account. For example, if you sold a security in BMO IL for $10000, the AccountLink chequing account would automatically show a balance of $10000 once the trade settled. There is no need for you to take any action.
1:56 pm
April 6, 2013

AccountLink BMO chequing account and the BMO InvestorLine brokerage account are not the same.
The chequing account is issued by CDIC member Bank of Montreal. The brokerage account is with CIPF member BMO InvestorLine Inc.
Cash in the brokerage account is automatically transferred to the chequing account. Cash is taken from the chequing account automatically when the brokerage account is short of cash.
8:48 pm
April 11, 2020

Thank you AltRed and Norman1,really helpful.
I think I am close to get it. If I am sending money from an external bank (eg Tangerine) to the AccountLink BMO chequing account do I have to internally transfer money into the IL brokerage account before being able to make a trade their (eg buying USD GICs)?
8:52 pm
October 27, 2013

8:15 am
April 6, 2013

My experience is that the automatic transfers between the associated AccountLink chequing account and the brokerage account occur overnight.
If I deposit a cheque into the AccountLink chequing account at an ATM, the new funds are not shown in the BMO InvestorLine brokerage account until the next day.
9:19 am
October 27, 2013

Okay. Perhaps I stand corrected. I have never actually paid attention that closely simply because I rarely do any of those kinds of transactions.
I will be doing one "the other way" this week so will take note. Meaning I am selling a bit of BMT104 ISA for the purposes of making a Bill Payment (transfer to Scotia iTrade) from the AccountLink chequing account. I will report when/how I saw the cash balance show up in AccountLink chequing.
6:02 am
October 27, 2013

8:41 pm
April 6, 2013

That aligns with the description in the client agreements about the automatic transfer of cash from the "Investment Account" to the "Bank Account".
9:41 pm
April 11, 2020

10:21 pm
April 6, 2013

It is hard to confirm your transit number as there are at least five possible transits for the AccountLink chequing accounts.
Have a look at the first page of your BMO InvestorLine monthly statements. Your AccountLink chequing accounts should be listed there under "AccountLink Service".
You could have more than one chequing account: a Canadian dollar one and a US$ one. For each AccountLink chequing account, the first four digits of the transit and the full account number should appear there.
Note: The account numbers of the chequing accounts are not the same as the account number of the associated BMO InvestorLine brokerage account.
7:50 am
October 27, 2013

8:05 am
April 11, 2020

8:21 am
October 27, 2013

8:25 am
April 11, 2020

8:28 am
April 6, 2013

When I opened my BMO InvestorLine account long time ago, they sent me some starter cheques for the BMO AccountLink chequing account. I used the transit, institution, and account number on those cheques and the links worked with no problems.
I don't know if BMO InvestorLine still sends out the starter cheques. Perhaps one can call them, explain that one is trying to set up direct deposit to the AccountLink chequing account, and ask for a direct deposit information form for the chequing account.
For bill payments, use the BMO InvestorLine brokerage account's eight-digit account number. Target for the bill pay remittance is the brokerage account and not the AccountLink chequing account.
9:34 am
October 27, 2013

I don't know what Fritz meant by "Bill Pay at BMOIL". To or from BMOIL?
To move money from BMOIL, one uses the Bill Payment function in the AccountLink chequing account. To move funds to BMOIL, one would use the Bill Payment function from the third party bank to the BMOIL brokerage account number....IF that third party bank account has BMO Investorline as a Bill Payee in its list of payees. The payee list varies from financial institution to financial institution.
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