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Big 5 coming to the rescue
March 20, 2020
12:04 pm
Forum Posts: 74
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April 28, 2017
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March 20, 2020
12:42 pm
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September 7, 2018
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ReX said

Watch for same happening to those applying for emergency EI benefits.  

Same old story - people borrowing beyond their ability to pay(mortgage based on 2 incomes) - then cannot repay when one loses his/her income. Seen it all before and while I do feel sorry for these people, reality is they did not plan for a rainy day.

March 20, 2020
1:44 pm
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canadian.100 said

Same old story - people borrowing beyond their ability to pay(mortgage based on 2 incomes) - then cannot repay when one loses his/her income. Seen it all before and while I do feel sorry for these people, reality is they did not plan for a rainy day.  

Yes, what ever happened to everyone having 6 months of reserve savings! My dad always told me to live on one income(the lowest one). Then there won’t be any problems. It also allows for huge amounts put away for retirement and simple living too. You get used to living lighter and can make a super easy change to retirement.

March 20, 2020
2:28 pm
Valhalla Mountains, British Columbia
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Vatox said

Yes, what ever happened to everyone having 6 months of reserve savings! My dad always told me to live on one income (the lowest one). Then there won’t be any problems. It also allows for huge amounts put away for retirement and simple living too. You get used to living lighter and can make a super easy change to retirement.  

That's ⬆ exactly how my wife & I got to where we are today ❗

Suggest that to a Millennial, and they'll spit in your face. sf-confused

sf-cool " Live Long, Healthy ... And Prosper! " sf-cool

March 20, 2020
3:42 pm
British Columbia, Canada
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December 12, 2009
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Comments withdrawn by self, per community discussion.


March 20, 2020
4:04 pm
Forum Posts: 45
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January 12, 2018
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COVID-19 has killed relatively few people, only modestly more than standard influenza every year. My personal opinion is that this shutdown of the economy was unnecessary. Let it spread; let our white blood cells do their magic, and fight it off. Sure, we may have higher mortality rates in the elderly 70+ set, with their compromised immune systems, but ultimately, that's natural causes.

Doug....Let's revisit that comment in about 20 days ... take some time to educate yourself in the meantime.

March 20, 2020
4:07 pm
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Doug said
COVID-19 has killed relatively few people, only modestly more than standard influenza every year. My personal opinion is that this shutdown of the economy was unnecessary. Let it spread; let our white blood cells do their magic, and fight it off. Sure, we may have higher mortality rates in the elderly 70+ set, with their compromised immune systems, but ultimately, that's natural causes.

Wow. I'm not sure how old you are but obviously nowhere near 70. If that's the attitude that is increasing with future generations, the generation behind you will probably be giving your generation the sleeping needle before you're 70.

March 20, 2020
4:12 pm
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I had Doug blocked long time ago. Many of you don't know him well but Block is an option here.

On the other note, I agree that I sometimes laugh from sadness at those people with 2 income who can't afford a living or mortgage on one income.

March 20, 2020
4:23 pm
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December 27, 2016
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I don't often reply in this forum but Doug you need to give your head a shake.

March 20, 2020
5:30 pm
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The health experts are advising governments that we need to flatten the curve so that we have overall a lower mortality rate & not too many workers are too sick to work at the same time, even though it extends the epidemic's duration. Plus we need to keep the grocery stores and pharmacies stocked or else a lot of people die quickly plus civil chaos ensues. Priorities like those underline & drive gov't response.

We have a health care system for the very purpose of thwarting "natural causes" as long as possible. As far as I know everybody goes to the doctor or hospital when we need to be fixed up, I'm sure even "natural causes" Doug has had occasion to get medicine, etc.

I think most (not all, obviously) folks understand that economics sometimes goes on the back burner for a bit and that right now is one of those rare times.

March 20, 2020
6:08 pm
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I agree with Doug the shutdown of most of the economy was unnecessary. Instead encourage distancing no handshaking general caution etc. This crisis was compounded by governments east and west. People are piling into grocery stores now how's that helping. I cant risk missing out on a deal by blocking Doug.

March 20, 2020
6:09 pm
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Bill said
We have a health care system for the very purpose of thwarting "natural causes" as long as possible. [...]

Sadly, the key words being “as long as possible” also have the other side of the coin. More than often, decisions on the course of action whether or not to extending effort and valuable resources largely depends on how advanced in age a patient is; Naïve are those who believe otherwise.

March 20, 2020
6:16 pm
British Columbia, Canada
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Bud said
I agree with Doug the shutdown of most of the economy was unnecessary. Instead encourage distancing no handshaking general caution etc. This crisis was compounded by governments east and west. People are piling into grocery stores now how's that helping.  

Thanks, Bud. Perhaps my comments regarding the mortality rates by age demographic were insensitive. I've withdrawn my comments above and will have no further comments on this thread, but that was my main point of my comments. It obviously got lost with the focus on the mortality rate discussion. While the mortality rate does tend to skew to the older demographic, the fact is, the mortality rates are still very, very low. When you consider the number of people that die from ordinary influenza, or norovirus, which is similar and there have been outbreaks in the past without the full scale economic shutdown, every year than have died from COVID-19/Coronavirus, it helps to keep things in perspective.


March 20, 2020
9:36 pm
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February 3, 2020
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I would have preferred to see more proactive and aggressive quarantines of the few hundred thousand travelers coming into Canada the past 1.5 months instead of where we are now where we are all self-quarantining , schools , industry and government are shutdown, and people are hoarding toilet paper. Economy is just a word. But some people barely have the money to put food on the table and pay the rent now. And this shutdown could go on for 4-6 more weeks. I am not one to blame the people who can not pay their rent or buy food right now for not having a "6 month reserve" for a rainy day or month like right now. I am not saying I agree with it but the British Government looked at quarantining the most vulnerable as an alternative to shutting the whole economy down. It is a complex topic when civil liberties need to be suspended in part or all of a society for an extended period. I am not so sure that the experts making decisions for us are any smarter than any of us here ?

March 20, 2020
10:29 pm
Forum Posts: 172
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February 4, 2017
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Could of, would have, should have.

When you have a government full of bozos expect a circus.
Oh now we need to start making more masks, ventilators, sanitizer, etc. They had lots of time to get the ball rolling.
Economic hardship and death is inevitable.

Hopefully I'll be able to enjoy 25% of my RSPs tax free or will that be another non-starter.

Don't get me going about millennials. It's all about today screw tomorrow.

March 21, 2020
7:41 am
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February 20, 2018
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Let the virus run its course. There will be another one and another one like the flu vaccine adjusted every year. Unfortunately some people will die until scientists develop more quick. The alternative in my opinion is lawlessness.

"the vast majority of the population still has no immunity to the virus, there remains a strong likelihood that the infection rate will soar as soon as measures are lifted. And even if the virus is extinguished within the community, there remains the risk of it being reintroduced from elsewhere." G&M

March 21, 2020
8:32 am
Forum Posts: 129
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October 21, 2016
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What is the NUMBER ONE problem on this planet? Think about it for a few seconds.

It isn't pollution, it isn't climate change, it isn't crime.

It is overpopulation. Have a look at a chart of world population since the 1800 and you will understand something is really wrong in our behavior. Not to mention this is totally unsustainable.

So what is this corona virus doing?

March 21, 2020
10:01 am
Forum Posts: 1218
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I said it, in some other thread.. somewhere, that fear was going to do far more damage than the actual virus. It’s fear of the health system being inundated by too many cases at the same time. This virus spreads faster than influenza and is highly contagious. This is why the decisions have been made to close businesses, cancel events and ban tourism. These things aren’t done during the regular flu season because our health system can manage it, despite more people dying from flu each year than this novel Coronavirus. The curve of impending cases needs to be flattened and spread over time to be managed. Our society doesn’t function on “survival of the fittest”. The governments just need to get money and support to those jobs and businesses that are lost because of this situation.

March 21, 2020
10:40 am
Forum Posts: 296
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October 17, 2018
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JustMe2016 said
What is the NUMBER ONE problem on this planet? Think about it for a few seconds.

It isn't pollution, it isn't climate change, it isn't crime.

It is overpopulation. Have a look at a chart of world population since the 1800 and you will understand something is really wrong in our behavior. Not to mention this is totally unsustainable.

So what is this corona virus doing?  

Prince Phillip said he wanted to be reincarnated as a virus to cull the population. Prince Charles was the president of the World Wildlife Fund . Part of their agenda is to make a large part of the planet off limits to people. Also believe globe is overpopulated. Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation want to vaccinate the world. Can't wait for the new vaccine. We are in good hands , nothing to worry about.

March 21, 2020
11:19 am
Forum Posts: 4061
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September 11, 2013
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As soon as women get birth control & access to their own money via jobs/careers the birth rate plummets, e.g. see Europe, North America & Japan as examples. Apparently affluence trumps having a large family. So the solution for "overpopulation" is easy, i.e. free market economic prosperity. Now that may create other problems, but it does get rid of too many people, and way more pleasantly than via contagion.

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