7:22 am
April 21, 2022

agit said
Bank of Canada up by 1% to 2.5%hmmm well i guess it right on my previous post
Being that this forum is on a website known as highinterestsavings.ca, it's positive news for savers, not so much for those that need to borrow. I'll patiently wait with interest (pun) to see how the banks move on HISAs and GICs, in the meantime I'll go make some popcorn.
7:44 am
April 10, 2022

Is this supposed to stop or slow down inflation? Not so sure raising interest rates helps anymore.
Because of the pandemic, many businesses had no choice but to go in debt in order to stay open. Now servicing their debt will cost more, and they will have no choice but to pass that on too consumers.
8:15 am
April 6, 2013

want8tracks said
Is this supposed to stop or slow down inflation? Not so sure raising interest rates helps anymore.
Neither. Bank of Canada has been bringing their rate up to neutral so that interest rates are neither stimulating nor dampening the economy.
The neutral policy rate for the Canadian economy is somewhere between 2% and 3%.
8:27 am
April 21, 2022

Norman1 said
want8tracks said
Is this supposed to stop or slow down inflation? Not so sure raising interest rates helps anymore.Neither. Bank of Canada has been bringing their rate up to neutral so that interest rates are neither stimulating nor dampening the economy. The neutral rate is somewhere between 2% and 3%.
If 2.5% is now within the neutral band, would that mean any further increases will then focus on tackling inflation? Seems we have a ways to go before inflation is tamed.
8:38 am
September 11, 2013

As Norman1 has taught me, there is some useful info in the Bank's release:
Our leader was very proactive by entering into a political situation that essentially gives him a majority during upcoming economic times to come, very shrewd.
8:42 am
April 6, 2013

JohnnyCash said
If 2.5% is now with in the neutral band, would that mean any further increases will then focus on tackling inflation? Seems we have a ways to go before inflation is tamed.
Rates may or may not be neutral yet.
Their calculations indicate the neutral rate is somewhere between 2% and 3%. Bank of Canada is not sure, for example, whether the neutral policy rate is 2.14% or 2.95%. They will be monitoring the economy to see.
Yes, it will be a while before inflation comes down. Not within months. Maybe in two years. Unfortunately, inflation from supply-side issues is not going to be fixed painlessly by interest rate hikes.
The challenge is actually not bringing inflation down. The challenge is bringing inflation down without causing a bad recession and the suffering that comes from that.
8:59 am
August 10, 2018

In spite of the current "everything is under control" narrative in the mainstream media, things are spiraling out of control worldwide. The man behind the curtain in OZ of the West is desperately working the levers in the hopes of a miracle. None will be found. Prepare for impact while you still can.
9:36 am
March 15, 2019

Bill said
With widespread labour shortages it would have to be a pretty severe recession to cause folks to be unable to find work, can't see it happening.
Unions are already demanding higher wages due to inflation. Higher wages in themselves are inflationary. Unions are not helping to combat inflation.
9:46 am
January 12, 2019

9:51 am
March 30, 2017

COIN said
Unions are already demanding higher wages due to inflation. Higher wages in themselves are inflationary. Unions are not helping to combat inflation.
every body only looks after themselves, as prices go up, people ask for higher salary to compensate. Unions are a economy's worst enemy in my mind.
High interest rate couple with high inflation will eventually crush the demand for almost anything / everything. When that happens, recesssion hits, business starts letting their staff go, the economy resets itself. The cycle resets itself, always has, always will.
12:19 pm
January 12, 2019

Bruford said
We will soon see a flood of foreclosed real estate, auto repossessions, . . .
And from my 30+ years of living in Boom/Bust Alberta ... have Lotsa Cash on hand, to take advantage of those ⬆ 'Opportunities'.
It'll soon be Bargain-Basement-Day-At-The-Bay ... Hooray ❗
- Dean
" Live Long, Healthy ... And Prosper! "
12:59 pm
January 11, 2020

And from my 30+ years of living in Boom/Bust Alberta ... have Lotsa Cash on hand, to take advantage of those ⬆ 'Opportunities'.
It'll soon be Bargain-Basement-Day-At-The-Bay<
And as a patient cash buyer that hasnt taken on reckless debt just because money was falsely made too cheap spending tomorrows pay cheque today at every chance....... Dean, You deserve every opportunity you uncover!!! But some of our best purchases ever on this board were the ones we didnt make which has bought alot of us some deserved peace of mind during these strange times...
Stay away from stress folks!!!
1:27 pm
March 15, 2019

agit said
We are seeing the beginning of the 2022 version of The “Volcker Shock” to temper inflation hold on to your seat more shocks to come.
I'm old enough to remember the Jimmy Carter recession, Joe "Sell Everything" Granville and, of course, Paul Volcker. That recession taught me a lot of valuable lessons that have served me well in the years since.
Please write your comments in the forum.