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Bank of Canada Rate
September 6, 2024
10:12 pm
Forum Posts: 856
Member Since:
September 29, 2017
sp_UserOfflineSmall Offline

Remember that the Fed is the supply of money, a commodity. The Fed is a business. It is not the government. The market prices in based on supply and demand. The market will determine its own direction, taking cues from all relevant sources.

Historically, the Fed rarely lets the rate be more than 25 pts from the 3-month bond rate, and more than 50 pts than the 6-month bond rate, at their announcement meetings. If the market moves much farther than that, the Fed is compelled to reduce that gap, as it otherwise negatively impacts their balance sheet.

The last time it was more, was during the 2007/08 crisis, and the Fed tried to make more conservative changes, but had to relent quickly because the markets were moving too far too fast (likewise in earlier periods).

Currently, the 3-month rate sits a hair above 5%; the 6-month rate just shy of 4.75%. There are still 11 more days until the next rate announcement and at the current trend, the market is highly likely to continue its move down, increasing the gap. As it stands, I would say there is at least a 75% chance of a 50pt drop, increasing probability if the trend continues, and if enough of a move down, a larger drop. That's my take on what I see.

Meanwhile, here are a couple of articles to consider:

What has the Fed done in election years? (JP Morgan)

Social mood governs the actions of investors and central banks (EWI)

September 7, 2024
5:51 am
Forum Posts: 922
Member Since:
April 27, 2017
sp_UserOfflineSmall Offline

Interest-rate futures market pricing on Friday morning implied roughly 60% odds of a quarter-point decrease in the federal-funds rate at that meeting. That’s an actual probability priced by the futures market rather than someones wild guess.

In the next few days short term bond market will be trying to guess what the Feds might do, and the guessing will be based on what Powell and others say, and on the macroeconomic news. Like the risk of inflation vs risk of recession.

The probability of a 50 bps cut went up a bit because employment data for the past few months have been revised downwards and August came in weaker than expected. Its still less likely than 25 bps cut because the sky isn’t falling. Its all about economic data coming out.

September 7, 2024
9:43 am
Forum Posts: 856
Member Since:
September 29, 2017
sp_UserOfflineSmall Offline

Yup... and 80% of all statistics are just made up... 😉

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