8:07 am
October 29, 2017

Didn’t see this posted anywhere. I’m sure everyone knows by now.
9:48 am
January 12, 2019

10:06 am
January 11, 2020

keep in mind for those going short awaiting the windfall, the BOC rate was 2.00 before Covid hit, and that RRSP season in Jan 2020, 3% was the best rate available anywhere.... Right now we are at 0.5 BOC and we can get 3.30.. Its NOT A GIVEN that after 4 more hikes to 1.50% BOC that we are gaurenteed anymore than whats available today. Our leaders as we know are gutless and if the masses who rack up every credit card they hhave and live beyond their means start squaking, I have not seen a gov't in a long time that will do the right things when they will make people unhappy. They will indeed repeat same mistakes with flooding the country with cheap free money devaluing our savings in the process. We on this board are the enemy of the Liberal state. Understand that. Nothing that happens will be purposly for your benefit. Given this, ,my hunble view, the 5 yr laddering still best for me. Of course I will gladly accept higher GIC rates should they keep coming
1:08 pm
September 11, 2013

MattS, you're doing the right thing by sticking to the long-term plan, 5-year ladder is the way to go for long-term savers, reinvest as maturities come up. Anything else is just trying to "time the market", and if you're a gambler that way I'm not clear why you'd use GICs for that activity, i.e. seems to me stock market would be way more gambler-friendly, can be in and out several times a day if you like.
Govt's can't do what makes people unhappy, else we turf them for someone who offers to make us happy. We (or enough of us) want moneyprinting, handouts, freebies, gov't cheques, tax breaks, stuff paid for by somebody else, etc, so we get the politicians who'll do that.
9:31 am
January 9, 2011

An article today about the expected pace of rate increases escalating, and soon. No real surprises, however 2% or more in a 9 month time frame is pretty steep.
Could be very helpful for our short term investment planning. April 13 is the next BoC decision date.
"Keep your stick on the ice. Remember, I'm pulling for you. We're all in this together." - Red Green
10:25 am
April 6, 2013

The Reuters article has lots of uninformed speculation and not much else.
There's no central bank inflation fighting yet. Can't be until the bank rate is back to the 1¾% or so it was before the pandemic.
Bank of Canada governor said earlier that the next few hikes are to undo those emergency rate cuts before the low rates become another source of inflation. The deputy governor said the hikes could be ½% hikes instead of ¼% ones.
Whether or not there will be a bad harvest this year and whether or not the OPEC countries will be able to increase their oil production will have more impact on inflation than the next few rate hikes.
2:56 pm
October 27, 2013

Never mind shortages of a fairly wide range of other commodities. All bets are off as regards supply inflation but I hope it is not too severe so as to cause western nations to get weak kneed and start backing off sanctions. Russia needs to be squeezed hard for some extended period of time to be taught a lesson. Otherwise the dictator will be back at it again in 3 years time.
7:03 am
September 30, 2017

7:33 am
November 8, 2018

7:43 am
January 28, 2015

Great news hopefully another rate increase june 1st. Inflation should slow down and we should start to see housing price drops , however I'm sure realestate is telling people get in before prices go up, like John Roth telling the public it's now a good time to buy Nortel stock ,all while he's selling millions before it crashed. I'm sure many houses will be going on the market ,people that own multi homes will be trying to unload , it's happened before
10:49 am
April 18, 2022

Does it say anywhere in Bank of Canada commentary that they use asset prices like real estate to drive inflation to devalue government debt? I believe they are influenced by real estate interests.
BoC board conflicts? https://www.bankofcanada.ca/about/board-of-directors/
11:10 am
April 6, 2013

AllanB said
Does it say anywhere in Bank of Canada commentary that they use asset prices like real estate to drive inflation to devalue government debt? …
How about providing some backing for your accusations instead of repeating baseless nonsense from people who overindulge themselves consuming conspiracy theories!
That's quite a load of garbage in light of the fact that the Bank of Canada's aim is to bring inflation back down to its target 1% to 3% range.
You should read About the Bank on the same web site. The Bank of Canada is not a regular corporation. Its board of directors provides general oversight and advice. The board does not have the authority to meddle in monetary policy. The monetary policy authority is only in the bank's Governing Council and its monetary policy actions are not subject to review by the board of directors.
12:59 pm
February 7, 2019

Norman1 said
AllanB said
Does it say anywhere in Bank of Canada commentary that they use asset prices like real estate to drive inflation to devalue government debt? …How about providing some backing for your accusations instead of repeating baseless nonsense from people who overindulge themselves consuming conspiracy theories!
That's quite a load of garbage in light of the fact that the Bank of Canada's aim is to bring inflation back down to its target 1% to 3% range.
You should read About the Bank on the same web site. The Bank of Canada is not a regular corporation. Its board of directors provides general oversight and advice. The board does not have the authority to meddle in monetary policy. The monetary policy authority is only in the bank's Governing Council and its monetary policy actions are not subject to review by the board of directors.
Maybe it's the fault of the guy who got stolen ...
1:00 pm
February 7, 2019

1:21 pm
September 7, 2018

4:06 pm
February 7, 2019

7:36 pm
April 18, 2022

I was right to ask with half the population struggling to live affordably BoC deputy governor Gravelle does a speech where he basically says we'll bailout real estate investors and other debtors if we have to because they have too much debt. The headline in the Globe, "Interest rate trajectory will depend heavily on housing market, Bank of Canada deputy says."
In a Post article the author said, "Central bankers mostly stopped worrying about the money supply decades ago."
Please write your comments in the forum.