1:14 pm
December 17, 2016

Terence Corcoran, supporting @ Kidd's thoughts above, in the Financial Post
Terence Corcoran: The Bank of Canada should stick to its knitting and stay out of budgets
Governments across Canada have reason to think they have an official green light to spend big and run up deficits. The man operating the traffic signal: Bank of Canada Governor Stephen Poloz. From Ottawa’s deficits to Ontario’s childcare plan to big pension spending on infrastructure, politicians can now turn to Poloz as an independent authority for approval.
By flashing that green light, however, Poloz has inappropriately set the Bank of Canada into a new role as ideological think tank, a role that is way beyond the bank’s official mandate — monetary policy — and well outside its traditional informal role as a guide to the state of the economy.
1:41 pm
October 21, 2013

A better understanding of the Bank of Canada's role in monetary policy can be gleaned by reading about it directly.
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