Asset Allocation Analysis
March 6, 2014
9:52 am
9:52 am
Forum Posts: 398
Member Since:
February 22, 2013
February 22, 2013

RBC Direct Investing (the self directed brokerage arm of RBC) has a neat, relatively new tool on their website where one can analyze the asset allocation and holdings concentration of multiple accounts. I have been doing it manually with an Excel spreadsheet and my analysis and theirs seems close.
Mine takes hours. Theirs takes minutes.
Mine also analyzes trading and management costs, theirs doesn't.
Theirs analyzes holdings concentration, mine doesn't. (BCE is held by me in multiple ETFs, something I suspected but had not done the digging to find out.)
Everyone should be using a tool like this to truly understand their portfolio. (That is, everyone like me! )
Please write your comments in the forum.