1:21 pm
December 17, 2016

From Rob Carrick in the G&M -
A ‘how do I compare’ guide for millennials on savings, debt and home ownership
Millennials entered adulthood at a time of historically low interest rates, soaring house prices, stiff tuition cost increases and a job market where temporary work without benefits or pensions is common.
With all this disruption, it’s difficult to know what a normal debt load, a normal mortgage balance and a normal amount of savings is if you’re a young adult. Do most millennials owe money? If so, how much? Is it common to have no savings in this age group?
A poll this week on debt and savings by the Angus Reid Institute in partnership with The Globe and Mail offers some answers. A total of 1,500 people were surveyed in the fall, 478 of them aged 18 to 37 and thus classifiable as millennials.
Please write your comments in the forum.