National Bank: HSA and USD Progress Savings Account | General comparisons | Discussion forum

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National Bank: HSA and USD Progress Savings Account
June 21, 2024
7:01 pm
Forum Posts: 81
Member Since:
April 11, 2020
sp_UserOfflineSmall Offline

Does somebody could tell me if you could link these accounts to another bank to pull and push money via EFT?

Boes these accounts allow funds transfers in real time to National Bank Direct Brokerage (NBDB)?

Thank you.

June 21, 2024
7:35 pm
Forum Posts: 235
Member Since:
January 7, 2020
sp_UserOfflineSmall Offline

They do allow you to link to NDBD investment accounts.
Like the rest of the Big 6, they don't allow linkage to another bank
You have to do the linkage from the other fi, and initiate any transactions from there

June 21, 2024
7:40 pm
Forum Posts: 6998
Member Since:
April 6, 2013
sp_UserOfflineSmall Offline

The USD Progress Account look like it could be linked to at another Canadian bank.

Its product page indicates that the account supports cheques and pre-authorized debits:

Other services and features
Cheques and pre-authorized debits

  • Cheques:
       - USD 1.25/cheque
  • Preauthorized debits:
       - USD 1.25/transaction

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