6:39 pm
August 9, 2014
This happen in the state, not sure is it a problem up here.
But anyone with US credit record should be careful.
9:33 pm
November 21, 2015
Equifax has a dedicated line, 1-866-447-7559, but no need to call as I did. They direct you to http://www.equifaxsecurity2017.com. Click on Potential Impact. Then click on Check Potential Impact. It tells you if your SIN was not hacked. Then, if you wish, click Enroll for a one year free credit file monitoring. Caution: In my opinion, do not enroll if you do not want any challenges applying for any credit with any entity. Some still experience the fallout from PT breach and do not like it. I personally like the compulsory phone calls from FIs while on the said credit watch. However, I cannot get "instant" credit card at e.g. a department store, which is, for me, merely a small inconvenience for a piece of mind.
12:56 am
October 21, 2013
Yes, Canadians are affected, but unclear to what extent at this point.
8:38 am
February 20, 2013
julio said
Equifax has a dedicated line, 1-866-447-7559, but no need to call as I did. They direct you to http://www.equifaxsecurity2017.com. Click on Potential Impact. Then click on Check Potential Impact. It tells you if your SIN was not hacked.
I'm not sure this will work properly with a SIN number. The site talks about putting in your Social Security Number which is a U.S. thing. I called Equifax Canada this morning as I had been a customer of theirs after the Home Depot breach and they basically said don't call us we will call you.
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