9:08 am
May 28, 2013
The Bank of Canada yesterday raised key interest rates by another 25 basis points from 0.75% to 1%, the second increase in two months. The big five Canadian Banks quickly followed suit, raising prime rates by 0.25%. Not much word though about savings account interest rates also going up!
Once again the question is: How long will it be before the financial institutions announce increases to savings rates? And will they apply the entire 0.25% increase?
The first increase in July had little effect on savings account rates.
12:43 pm
December 7, 2011
If I remember correctly, long time ago when savings account interest rate was high (3% to 6%), exact formula ING used to calculate savings account rate was: overnight key interest rate + 0.75% = savings account interest rate.
So, overnight key interest rate 1% + 0.75% = 1.75% savings account interest rate.
EQ rate right now 2.3%, which is above 1.75% already.
Tangerine will not increase savings account interest rate to 1.75% because they aren't ING anymore and because they have much more fun playing their Promo games every 90 days.
1:13 pm
December 17, 2016
1:37 pm
December 20, 2016
As was pointed out elsewhere, the current high interest rate for a HISA
is Wealth One at 2.5% (CDIC insured).
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