9:57 pm
April 14, 2021
I tried to log into EQ, but I mis-typed my password. The error was reported and I got sent to the secondary screen. I saw my error and entered the correct PW, only to be rejected, again. I re-entered the correct PW and was rejected, again.
At this point, I was getting concerned that I would be locked out and have to wait hours for EQ support. So, I hit the Forgot PW and changed my PW. I used it to log into the system successfully.
Later, my mother tried to log onto EQ and also mis-typed her password. She was also directed to the secondary screen, where she entered her PW correctly and was rejected. I suspected that it was an EQ problem. Once directed to the PW re-entry secondary window, it rejects EVERYTHING. So, we returned to the original PW entry window and my mother logged in successfully using the exact same PW.
What a MickeyMouse operation. Yeah, I feel soooo safe with their security protocols. If they cannot manage a simple log-in procedure, how the hell can anyone have confidence in their asset protection? Buncha clowns.
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