12:21 pm
February 14, 2014

I can imagine the pain of having to move a large sum of money to a non-interest-bearing account and have it sit there while opening a new account elsewhere. This time for me, the funds happened to be in my AcceleRate savings account at 1.75% where I can draw cheques directly from the account. That made it easy.
12:43 pm
February 14, 2014

dentgal said
Wow--11 online banks!! Do share--with rates, if possible!!
All of my accounts are ones listed on this website.
My reason for 11 banks is likely quite different. I needed to find at least 5 high-interest CUs that were deemed FATCA-exempt due to having a local client base (clients must be Canadian residents). I determined 8 or 9 possibilities from this site by scouring their websites. Then I contacted them about their FATCA reporting obligations. Not one, not even their FATCA-compliance managers, could answer the question prior to July 1, 2014, so I opened accounts in all of them with minimal deposits. It took up to a year to finally determine that AcceleRate, Achieva and Implicity are the only ones not reporting account holders to FATCA.
What is FATCA? If you see questions on bank application forms asking you if you are a US citizen, or were born in the US, had a US-citizen parent at the time of your birth, have US tax-reporting obligations, etc, as EQ has on their application, that's FATCA. The IRS has extorted financial institutions around the world into reporting all the personal and personal account information of any account holder who has even a hint of US "indicia" or face a 30% withholding from all transactions with the US. The big banks have reported that their cost of FATCA-compliance, totally _not_ reimbursed by the IRS, is about $200 million, each. The Harper government signed a possibly illegal agreement with the IRS that your personal information is first sent to the CRA, and then the CRA sends it to the IRS. The enabling legislation for this was crammed into an omnibus bill and passed. There is a court case against the government trying to overturn it. There is MUCH more to it than that, but hopefully nobody here is an "accidental American" or heaven help you, a US or dual citizen living outside of the US.
It took me over 3 years, but I succeeded in getting the US to agree that I gave up my US citizenship over 40 years ago. This means I'm free to use any of my 11 accounts now, not just the three CUs mentioned.
5:19 pm
February 14, 2014

7:15 pm
September 11, 2013

Globe article on EQ Bank:
7:23 pm
December 23, 2011

Bill said
Globe article on EQ Bank:
Wow, no big surprise when you look at their parent companies GIC rates.
It is:
A promo
A well planned (<= maybe), market share move
Poor with not offering more of a variety of products and a definite poor showing with no Joint Accounts
Are they embarassed?
7:32 pm
January 18, 2016

I don't think they are embarrassed kanaka, I think they have mastered a great media ploy. I'm still waiting for my account to be opened and I was one of the first to sign up. I bet that 3% rate disappears real fast. They are getting hundreds of thousands of dollars of free advertising and not paying out a dime in interest yet. Good scam, I wonder what the rate will be when my account finally gets opened lol. Has anyone got their account open and useable yet?
7:36 pm
December 23, 2011

reality said
I don't think they are embarrassed kanaka, I think they have mastered a great media ploy. I'm still waiting for my account to be opened and I was one of the first to sign up. I bet that 3% rate disappears real fast. They are getting hundreds of thousands of dollars of free advertising and not paying out a dime in interest yet. Good scam, I wonder what the rate will be when my account finally gets opened lol.
Ha! Here is my prediction they will offer joint, GICs including non-registered and TFSA. At that time the daily savings account rate will only compare to Oaken, Accelerate and the likes.
7:40 pm
January 18, 2016

7:49 pm
December 23, 2011

reality said
Maybe mine might be open by then. I have already decided not to go over 100K, these guys are starting to sound more like snake oil salesmen than a reliable bank to deposit $$$ in.
I wonder how long it will be before the plug is pulled and some go elsewhere...how fast will your money move (be released from them)?
7:52 pm
January 18, 2016

9:52 pm
October 21, 2013

Shame on them for saying that it's not a promo rate on their website and then turning around and admitting to the media that it is - and before anyone's seen a penny of it. Misleading advertising.
It also doesn't inspire confidence that they'd be so.. well, stupid! ... as to admit this contradiction, in advance, no less! It doesn't look good on them.
What other ill-considered moves are they going to make while dancing around with our money?
I recommend that everyone who is interested in them open a $5 account, until they smarten up.
5:20 am
November 11, 2015

5:36 am
October 21, 2013

Brian said
Why would you recommend that people even open an account if you think EQ is so unethical?
I did not "recommend" them. I recommended a strategy that will apply to SOME people. I said "I recommend that everyone who is interested in them open a $5 account, until they smarten up." This comment is directed at people who are already inclined to consider them, as many clearly are.
I would be hard-pressed to find a bank that I considered "ethical".
For the reasons that Carrick gave, it may be worth giving them a chance. Best to start early with a small account as they take so long to process, then you are ready to transfer in more money when you deem appropriate.
I reviewed their board of directors and see some reason for confidence in the long run. Things may turn around. For now at least, I'm out.
5:52 am
November 11, 2015

6:07 am
January 9, 2011

I suppose to put it in perspective, would you rather give your money to a goof on a jet ski with a coloured coffee cup and get paid 0.8% because all your interest money is going to pay for TV time, ad agencies and extra profits etc? Or another annoying one, temporary higher rates like a newspaper subscription or something, hoping you won't remember when it ends?
There's "ethics" for you. But I bet these "sleazy" moves fool lots of people because they don't take any time to gain basic knowledge. That doesn't apply to people in here though.
My guess is that, when they drop the rate, if things are as they are now competitively, it won't be below 2%. They pretty well have to maintain a superior rate position to the "established" online banks, and a "headline number", because the cash outflows back to "familiar territory" in response to dropping their rate would be massive. I'm sure they knew this when they decided on an attention getting high rate to start.
For now, our priority is tracking when they receive funds, when they advise opening the account (for cheque mailers that's easy, its when it clears your bank), when they start paying interest, and how fast EFTs happen, both in and out. Any delays there will kill them, news would spread like wildfire.
"Keep your stick on the ice. Remember, I'm pulling for you. We're all in this together." - Red Green
6:26 am
August 1, 2015

I signed up on Thursday of last week and have access as of this morning. The online banking interface is simple and pleasant, adding additional accounts was a breeze. Works pretty much as you'd expect. Linking another account requires contacting them which I need to do. Otherwise all is well so far. When doing an EFT in they specifically state:
Please allow 5 business days for your funds to be deposited.
So it's like Tangerine, just without a determined release amount. I'll never be EFTing in so *shrug* doesn't matter to me.
7:00 am
January 20, 2016

RicksBank said
I can imagine the pain of having to move a large sum of money to a non-interest-bearing account and have it sit there while opening a new account elsewhere. This time for me, the funds happened to be in my AcceleRate savings account at 1.75% where I can draw cheques directly from the account. That made it easy.
That was exactly my point: do not move the large amount until the new account is activated and in use! I believe that the new account does not give a much higher rate these days.
7:25 am
January 20, 2016

file said
I signed up on Thursday of last week and have access as of this morning. The online banking interface is simple and pleasant, adding additional accounts was a breeze. Works pretty much as you'd expect. Linking another account requires contacting them which I need to do. Otherwise all is well so far. When doing an EFT in they specifically state:
Please allow 5 business days for your funds to be deposited.
So it's like Tangerine, just without a determined release amount. I'll never be EFTing in so *shrug* doesn't matter to me.
That means the account was opened on time, after 5 business days!
I hope that 5 business for an EFT means the hold period... the money should be there right away and start making interest in the same day.
How do you transfer funds in?
Please write your comments in the forum.