6:03 pm
October 27, 2013

6:33 pm
September 11, 2013

I walk over to the cash machine at the bank a few minutes away, a nice walk, can go 24/7, never a wait, grandchildren very much like dealing in cash when I slip them some without their parents seeing, I use cash a lot at the businesses on my rambles around my neighbourhood, everybody seems to like getting it.
Doug, I have had a TD account for decades that I always get a fee rebate for (every month) when I keep the required minimum balance, CIBC account is not the only account doing that.
6:36 pm
January 12, 2019

8:13 pm
November 18, 2017

In banking fee terms, Interac and cheque payments are the same everywhere I've looked. (Except in a few cases where there are high withdrawal fees)
I use about 25 cheques a year, a dozen of them for rent. I buy by cheque when mail-ordering, and have used cheques to purchase large GICs (as much as $90K). I sometimes transfer funds by cheque out of an account that receives Direct Deposit from a payer (when I am forced to use it) because it's faster than transferring with a phone order - the cheques are credited on deposit. On the other hand, some outfits lift holds quicker one way or the other.
For clients, I only accept cash (with paired receipts to file) or cheques. The cheques are copied to attach copies to my tax returns.
9:05 pm
April 27, 2017

An interesting article about cheques in Canada.
6:58 am
October 27, 2013

Until there are more changes in our banking system to allow for easier electronic movement of large sums of money without 'percentage' transaction fees, cheques will likely stay with us for some time to come.
From a consumer's point of view, handling cheques has become a lot easier though with 'photo deposit' via phone apps or ATMs. There is no need any longer to leave the comfort of one's home to deposit a cheque.
8:52 am
March 30, 2017

I just wish all payments go electronics esp for tradesperson etc.
I just not fond of the cash / evade tax businesses and individuals.
It’s especially important when Canada has a such a generous welfare handout that those are the ones that took advantage of evading tax plus enjoying welfare they should not be entitled to.
9:58 am
April 6, 2013

The problem is that cost of some of those electronic payments solutions. Not all of them are as cheap as the ones in places like China and India.
I remember one critic of our cheque clearing system writing on RedFlagDeals.ca that in one European country he spent time in, cheques could be collected in real time!
He went into the bank with a cheque from another bank and the teller could confirm that the cheque was good on the spot! The cheque could then be deposited with no hold.
It all sounded good until someone asked how much that real-time cheque collection option costs. The answer was €10.
1:30 pm
October 21, 2013

savemoresaveoften said
I just wish all payments go electronics esp for tradesperson etc.
I just not fond of the cash / evade tax businesses and individuals.
It’s especially important when Canada has a such a generous welfare handout that those are the ones that took advantage of evading tax plus enjoying welfare they should not be entitled to.
There wouldn't be nearly so much of this kind of evasion if the gov't didn't also charge the customer HST on the payment. It takes two to tango, as the saying goes.
But as far as tradespeople go, you take a risk if there is no record of your transaction. No record, no responsibility taken for the work done.
6:45 am
November 8, 2018

green1 said
Got an email today offering an EQ bank chequing account at 4% if you have your payroll deposited there (2.5% otherwise, and after first 12 months)Seems like a pretty amazing rate (near the top of the HISA chart) for a chequing account.
They have changed conditions for that offer: used to be $500 payroll/pension deposit monthly to qualify for 4% interest rate, it is $2,000 monthly now.
Interest paid at 4% (the “New Bonus Interest Rate”), which will be paid on an ongoing basis to customers who set up automatic and recurring payroll direct deposits of $2000 or more per month which qualify as Recurring Deposits (as defined below) and who comply with the requirements set out in these Terms.
9:47 am
April 21, 2022

Alexandre said
They have changed conditions for that offer: used to be $500 payroll/pension deposit monthly to qualify for 4% interest rate, it is $2,000 monthly now.
Interest paid at 4% (the “New Bonus Interest Rate”), which will be paid on an ongoing basis to customers who set up automatic and recurring payroll direct deposits of $2000 or more per month which qualify as Recurring Deposits (as defined below) and who comply with the requirements set out in these Terms.
Competition is a good thing, looks like they are copying Wealthsimple's offer. I find it interesting that those two and now Motive are all offering unlimited free ATM withdrawals. Their savings rate is also similar, other than Motive not requiring a monthly payroll deposit.
3:13 pm
August 4, 2010

EQ used to have a smaller 3% rate, for a $500 monthly preauthorized debit/PAD. They rolled that into the 4% direct deposit at the beginning of the year - I'm not sure if the DD was ever at $500 or not, I don't think so thought. The current terms are here - note that is a 12 month promo, not a permanent feature like Wealthsimple Cash.
3:32 pm
April 6, 2013

The direct deposit requirement was at $500. This is from the fine print of a January 2024 e-mail from EQ Bank:
… Customers who maintain qualifying recurring pre-authorized debits of at least $500/month from a Savings Plus Account or Joint Savings Plus Account are eligible to earn a bonus interest rate of 3.00% (the Base Rate plus an additional 0.5%) for the eligible accounts (the Savings Plus Account, Joint Savings Account and the EQ Bank Card balance) for a maximum period of 12 consecutive months. Customers who add and maintain qualifying recurring direct deposits of at least $500/month to a Savings Plus Account or Joint Savings Plus Account are eligible to earn a bonus interest rate of 4.00% (the Base Rate plus an additional 1.5%) for the eligible accounts (the Savings Plus Account, Joint Savings Account and the EQ Bank Card balance) for a maximum period of 12 consecutive months. Conditions apply. …
3:52 pm
April 21, 2022

NorthernRaven said
EQ used to have a smaller 3% rate, for a $500 monthly preauthorized debit/PAD. They rolled that into the 4% direct deposit at the beginning of the year - I'm not sure if the DD was ever at $500 or not, I don't think so thought. The current terms are here - note that is a 12 month promo, not a permanent feature like Wealthsimple Cash.
The difference now is a DD of $2000 monthly gets 4% and it doesn't expire, whereas the previous offer was for 12 months with a monthly DD of $500.
5:25 pm
August 4, 2010

Ah, I think they have changed that relatively recently. I was an "Existing PAD customer" (the only bonus there was last fall when I started), getting 3% for a $500+ PAD. I segued into being what they now call a Recurring Deposits Customer, getting 4% for a $500+ payroll deposit. But that was only for the remaining months from my initial PAD starting date 12-month period. The $2000 deposit for the 4% indefinitely language wasn't in there as recently as July 15. Looks like you could have started a 12-month $500 eligibility through the end of July.
This probably explains why my EQ interest rate is still showing 4% - I wasn't sure if the 12 months was going to expire at the beginning of August, or later in the month on the anniversary of my first PAD a year ago. My payroll deposits are enough to qualify for the 4% going forward.
It does indeed look like a WS Cash clone, although WS's base interest rate is 3.5% (and was 4%), not 2.5%. I'm actually in the process of switching my paycheque to Wealthsimple. It will let me get a free book of cheques. Premium ($100K) WS customers can also boost their interest to 4.5%, although I'm already getting that as a Generation customer and my paycheque doesn't give me any other benefit than the book of cheques.
There's been some chatter over on RFD that EFT "push" transfers from an external institution into a WS Cash account (which WS does show as "Direct Deposit") are triggering the 0.5% bonus interest. That wouldn't work at EQ, which lists the specific direct deposit types that are eligible, but WS may be a little more liberal (or haven't seen the loophole). I also don't know firsthand that these push deposits are actually triggering the bonus.
5:45 pm
April 6, 2013

According to Wealthsimple: 0.5% Interest Rate Boost with Direct Deposits, any direct deposit type counts:
What type of direct deposits are eligible for the boost?
Any direct deposit type will count towards the $2,000/month minimum. This includes payroll, pension, social assistance, and insurance direct deposits.
Hubert uses "Misc. Payments" on their direct deposits. Tangerine Bank uses "Investment".
8:56 pm
April 21, 2022

NorthernRaven said
I'm actually in the process of switching my paycheque to Wealthsimple. It will let me get a free book of cheques.
There’s also a recent promotion that started this past week if you DD your payroll, you get a $100 bucks … and the cheques too.
Sadly, I started too soon, so no $100 bucks for me. The cheques are nice though.
5:59 pm
September 28, 2023

7:00 am
April 4, 2018

I'm tempted as I see a lot of advantages to using EQ's Personal Account as a daily driver account, with the prepaid no forex card for foreign travel. But I'm scared off by the all the bad reviews on this site. I understand people have encountered glitches and had bad experiences with any of the banks at some time, but it seems all EQ's reviews are bad and multiple glitches were encountered with poor customer service. Yikes.
Please write your comments in the forum.