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Wow, Duca new 6% HISA rate
May 24, 2024
6:46 am
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Hello Lowdown... thats very interesting. My letter read like this

" We are here to help you navigate your options by providing ZERO SELF SERVE options so that you can be inconvienienced by having to call in and getting a member connect person to verify with your spouse your allowed to make financial decisions for the family in their name and wait on hold for 20 mins to do so. We value your loyalty and commitment to us being a pain in your butt" " We would also like to take this time to NOT apologize for excluding you from the 6% offer when you were out of the country and not rolling you over into the new offer. Not offering you the new program when your old Earn more HISA promo expired and we offered you zero retention options since you were already a long term member owner so we felt that the goodies should be handed out to new people that were not member owners." " In the end we realize that when you then pulled your money out it actually negated the benefit of drawing in short term money from new people but nonetheless, we are not concerned with the damage we cause to our brand. In recognition of this we would like to offer you $15 in profit sharing"

June 11, 2024
2:14 pm
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Duca's 2024 Spring Earn More Savings Account promo rate of 6% p.a. is scheduled to end June 30, 2024. They sent emails to promo account holders about "special offers" for GICs (cashable and non-cashable) of various terms, if part or all of funds in savings accounts are converted to a GIC as of July 1 (or July 2).

The interest rates quoted in those emails are apparently subject to change, as Duca has changed rates quickly in the past. According to a rep, you can lock in a GIC rate now, if you know which term you want, but not necessarily the amount of the new GIC. This rate hold is NOT a commitment to buy a "special" GIC if you change your mind by June 30th, but they seem to anticipate their offer rates will decline.

June 11, 2024
4:57 pm
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I didn’t get an email but they called a week ago and offered a 1-year GIC. I said “no”.

June 11, 2024
8:53 pm
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We have money in the promo account, still at 6%, but have not received any "special" GIC offers.
At end of May I transferred out about one-third of the money.
The thing is, I really want this money to stay in cash, not GICs. That's why it's there!
So, this money will leave DUCA soon. It's unlikely they will give another great savings or short term offer to us now, but I will stay if they do.

June 13, 2024
12:26 am
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They refused 150k for one year at %5.5! Have 200k with them. That money will be gone before the date comes. Adios.

June 13, 2024
4:08 am
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sk said
They refused 150k for one year at %5.5! Have 200k with them. That money will be gone before the date comes. Adios.  

Well no one pays 5.5% for 1 year money right now. Motive is highest at 5.4%

June 13, 2024
6:46 am
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sk said
They refused 150k for one year at %5.5! Have 200k with them. That money will be gone before the date comes. Adios.  

If you contact your deposit broker, your broker can book a 1 year GIC with DUCA at 5.2% for $100K today. Others paying 5.47% are Haventree and Windsor Family Credit Union through brokers. McCan is likely in that range as well.

It looks like booking GIC's through brokers are the preferred method these days based on what we're seeing from listed rates buying directly from the FI.


June 13, 2024
7:08 am
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mordko said
I didn’t get an email but they called a week ago and offered a 1-year GIC. I said “no”.  

They called you?...means they are desperate. I can see yet another daily interest account promo in the cards...but only at 5.5% at most.

As a side note, I think this forum has had an impact on Duca given that they, for the first time, are keeping the 6% rate until the pre-announced end date (June 30) without change.....well, at least so far as today 🙂

July 1, 2024
8:07 am
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Has anyone tried to transfer their money out of the Duca 6% promo account? I tried to move my money today. It is July 1st and the promo is over, but the money is still there and I can not access this account on the transfer page. It is not listed.

July 1, 2024
8:31 am
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Same here, was there any indications that they would extend offer, or offer new offer like last time.

July 1, 2024
9:07 am
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Yes, ditto, just went to transfer out, and account not listed under transfers
Also, very curious that the 2024 spring earn more promo account still shows 6.0%
They had indicated that they would just move the funds out of the spring promo account into a different savings account-- one earning 0.25%
I guess the most likely explanation is that this is "in process", and in liimbo because of the holiday.
Not a great feeling that one can't access one's funds on line
Hopefully they at least clear this up by tomorrow, and don't have to get into line for a phone in to get agent to access the funds

July 1, 2024
9:09 am
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Iminterested said
Has anyone tried to transfer their money out of the Duca 6% promo account? I tried to move my money today. It is July 1st and the promo is over, but the money is still there and I can not access this account on the transfer page. It is not listed.  

Since today is a banking holiday no transfers can be done until tomorrow. DUCA knew this when they made the promotion end on June 30th which was a Sunday. I don't recall a promotion ending on a weekend. They usually end them on a weekday.

No notification from them last week what their intentions are. I believe when I saw the news report that inflation went up in May and a rate cut is now in question, I see that the banking players are still promoting interests rates in the 5% range.

DUCA is probably gauging on this.

July 1, 2024
11:22 am
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It's all good now
The moved the funds from the promo account, to the Earn More Savings account
And, from there, I was able to transfer it out

July 1, 2024
2:02 pm
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I transferred the remaining funds on Friday via pull from WS and today I pulled the interest from the Earn More savings account.

July 1, 2024
3:40 pm
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For those members who have or had money in the Spring promo savings account, Duca is offering some members higher rate GICs if you phone them now at the end of the promo period.

July 1, 2024
4:53 pm
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GR said
For those members who have or had money in the Spring promo savings account, Duca is offering some members higher rate GICs if you phone them now at the end of the promo period.  

I see now there are slim pickings for promos since the financial sector doesn't know where things are heading. Most of the promos have dried up. My only option at the present time is to transfer back to tang at a lower rate than I want it to be. I will not be taking any GIC (even short term) from DUCA.

July 1, 2024
11:23 pm
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Can anyone confirm if money over 50k can be pulled from other banks out of Duca? Have anyone pulled funds over 100k out of Duca with linked account with tang!? (one shot)

July 2, 2024
1:31 am
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September 29, 2017
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sk said
Can anyone confirm if money over 50k can be pulled from other banks out of Duca? Have anyone pulled funds over 100k out of Duca with linked account with tang!? (one shot)  

Yes you can. I have done it several times BUT NOT from a promo account, only from a DUCA Savings account. Pulling from a promo account will get rejected (vs pushing and pulling from WITHIN a DUCA promo account, in other words, using the DUCA system, which is allowed). So you need to move the money into a DUCA Savings accounts first, then pull from that account.

July 2, 2024
2:48 am
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Thank you very much for the confirmation

July 2, 2024
5:15 am
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smayer97 said

Yes you can. I have done it several times BUT NOT from a promo account, only from a DUCA Savings account. Pulling from a promo account will get rejected (vs pushing and pulling from WITHIN a DUCA promo account, in other words, using the DUCA system, which is allowed). So you need to move the money into a DUCA Savings accounts first, then pull from that account.  

I pulled over 100K from the promo account. More than once. No issues.

Please write your comments in the forum.