2:12 pm
March 30, 2017

Haven’t logged in to my account for over a month, found out I was not able to, and reset password page failed, saying ‘member card number invalid’. Called in and turn out they ‘retired’ my member card number, rep assigned a new member card number to me over the phone. I asked them why I was not informed of my member card number change and he can’t explain me either.
I believed they did it cuz my account was flagged for fraud alert few months ago (just an alert was placed on file).
It would be nice if I was informed and not to have found out via unable to log in myself.
For those that were part of the unauthorized account access incidents, you may want to check if ur member card number was also changed. Member card number is the only way to access your account thru web or app.
3:20 pm
September 7, 2018

savemoresaveoften said
For those that were part of the unauthorized account access incidents, you may want to check if ur member card number was also changed. Member card number is the only way to access your account thru web or app.
Yes - DUCA changed my member card number the evening of the unauthorized access incident to my account on Nov 14-22. They also implemented the 2 Step Verification that very evening as well. (good timing!)
PS - I still have not got my stolen funds back from DUCA from that Nov 14-22 incident. Can't get any update from DUCA or response from my emails and in phone calls all they say is "you will get your $, but it takes time." Well it will be 5 months on April 14. DUCA has not been very client oriented in my opinion.
11:15 am
December 26, 2017

It is quite annoying, I remember on my end logging in absolutely fine and with no hurdle just a few weeks ago and now today, my online banking access became totally invalid...
I had to call in DUCA to ask for online banking technical support, my Membership card access remains the same, it was only with the assistance of a DUCA agent that I was able to be prompted to 2 Step Verification process.
Best of luck to all of you !!!
11:29 am
October 21, 2013

8:22 am
September 7, 2018

8:35 am
August 6, 2018

canadian.100 said
Were you able to get this resolved? Would appear that DUCA is playing some games, while they still work on improving the security of their systems, since the fraud/hacking events in 2022.
Yes. I just called in and asked to reset my password. They ask a few questions about transactions in the account, which is exactly what I need to look up in my account... Anyways then I set up two factor logging in.
4:47 am
December 7, 2022

canadian.100 said
Were you able to get this resolved? Would appear that DUCA is playing some games, while they still work on improving the security of their systems, since the fraud/hacking events in 2022.
Hello canadian.100. I am all for calling a spade a spade, but to be fair it seems that the fraud/hacking event you repeatedly speak of was from a third party and of your own making. It was you and only you that is responsible for your actions when getting duped to use a fake url to attempt to login to your "DUCA" account. Lesson learnt the hard way, unfortunately.
6:45 am
September 7, 2018

deflating_of_inflation said
Hello canadian.100. I am all for calling a spade a spade, but to be fair it seems that the fraud/hacking event you repeatedly speak of was from a third party and of your own making. It was you and only you that is responsible for your actions when getting duped to use a fake url to attempt to login to your "DUCA" account. Lesson learnt the hard way, unfortunately.
Yup - that is precisely the message that DUCA has communicated to clients who were affected by the incidents. There apparently was quite a number of people affected, not just me.
At the DUCA AGM last Thursday, the Chief of Technology announced that as a result of these frauds, DUCA has hired a third party firm to identify and take down the fake sites, to better protect its clients. I suspect there is more to this story than we will ever know.
12:06 pm
May 21, 2021

I haven't had any login problems with my Duca accounts or services, but I was actively using them during the 4.75% recent offer (now ended) time period.
However, I just got an email notifying me that Duca customers will now be required to login to their online account every 90 days, or it will be flagged for inactivity, thus requiring us to call Duca to regain access.
I suppose that's one way to make it harder for hackers to gain access to accounts that people are not bothering to check.
As long as the accounts don't get accidentally closed, it should be fine, however, I'm still going to make sure I login each month, just to see if a hacker has generously donated money to my account. So far, I have received no donations, but tomorrow is another day, and I refuse to give up hope.
5:50 pm
January 10, 2018

At the DUCA AGM last Thursday, the Chief of Technology announced that as a result of these frauds, DUCA has hired a third party firm to identify and take down the fake sites, to better protect its clients. I suspect there is more to this story than we will ever know.
It is best to always your browser's bookmark feature, so that you go to the same
verified financial url each time you log in.
Easier and safer!
8:04 am
May 21, 2021

I was able to login yesterday afternoon, send an e-transfer, and call Duca to make sure that my summer acct works, even though I don't need it.
Everything worked well, but if you gain access to any of my future e-transfers, please don't accept them ... I'm just a tease.
P.S. Am I the only one that needs to use a calculator to solve those math problems to get my post accepted here? Please keep the answers limited to one digit. For two digit answers, I need to access the part of my brain that is good at solving Sue Dohkoo problems, or whatever she calls herself.
7+11 is a store. Right? So why does it not accept that answer? I'm not a matheMorticiaN, or whatever that mother from The Addams Family calls herself.
Please write your comments in the forum.