5:09 pm
May 20, 2016

cgouimet said
Instead of listening to that one 30 second music track on continuous loop, you can accept the call-back. It does work. They call back and you don't loose your place in the line. I did that this morning. 40 minutes later they called while I was in the pool ...
Thanks, good to know it works. I worried that they don't call back today, then I lose one day interest.
12:07 am
October 21, 2013

10:15 pm
November 23, 2016

I don't even bother to phone them to have funds moved to Earn More Park account. I deposit a cheque through any ATM with the exchange network. Then, I log in and click on Account services then Contac us to request funds deposited on Savings a/c to be moved to my Earn More Park a/c at 3.25%.
Et voila!! Easy peasy!!!
10:21 pm
November 23, 2016

Only bother with their Me to Me is you can only move $50,000 daily up to 250k weekly. You can push funds out only when you're like me a BC resident with no chequing with them.
Used to be a few years back that you could send them a scanned copy of your deposit cheque by email for them to process and deposit on Park a/c. They stopped this practice however. Very satisfied overall with DUCA as no B/S with interest rates like Simplii/Tangerine with new money :).
12:37 am
October 21, 2013

duckgybe said
I don't even bother to phone them to have funds moved to Earn More Park account. I deposit a cheque through any ATM with the exchange network. Then, I log in and click on Account services then Contac us to request funds deposited on Savings a/c to be moved to my Earn More Park a/c at 3.25%.
Et voila!! Easy peasy!!!Nick
That's a good tip. We waited an hour or two for call back yesterday.
How long does it take for your request to be honoured?
12:51 am
February 7, 2019

12:59 am
October 21, 2013

11:06 am
March 8, 2018

11:14 am
February 7, 2019

11:17 am
March 8, 2018

duckgybe said
I don't even bother to phone them to have funds moved to Earn More Park account. I deposit a cheque through any ATM with the exchange network. Then, I log in and click on Account services then Contac us to request funds deposited on Savings a/c to be moved to my Earn More Park a/c at 3.25%.
Et voila!! Easy peasy!!!Nick
how long till you see the money in the Earn More Park Account?
1:05 pm
March 30, 2017

10:55 pm
November 23, 2016

12:28 am
October 21, 2013

7:31 am
March 4, 2019

duckgybe said
Only bother with their Me to Me is you can only move $50,000 daily up to 250k weekly. You can push funds out only when you're like me a BC resident with no chequing with them.
Used to be a few years back that you could send them a scanned copy of your deposit cheque by email for them to process and deposit on Park a/c. They stopped this practice however. Very satisfied overall with DUCA as no B/S with interest rates like Simplii/Tangerine with new money :).Nick
Another thing to note is if you transfer money in via externally linked accounts, DUCA puts a hold on the money for about 10 business days. IIRC they will still move the money to the Park account if you ask them to. There is no hold with e-transferring money to Duca, but there are of course daily limits with interac. Always something!
9:08 am
August 6, 2018

I am likely being greedy, but DUCA EMPA for the first half of the year have been the clear leader compared to other FIs, but now others seem to be catching up. For example if you are lucky you are getting Simplii at 3.85%, CIBC new account 4.25%, and some 3.5% here and there, though they all have some strings attached.
DUCA also doesn't seem to be pushing customers into their GIC either. The Flex 80 months at 4.5%, cashable after one year at 3.5% is just no longer a good deal in my opinion.
Maybe no one knows but do we expect another rate hike by DUCA as they have done since the start of this promo, or is this it that they are getting saturated with deposits?
Please write your comments in the forum.