7:38 am
February 7, 2019

8:39 am
January 7, 2016

8:42 am
February 7, 2019

9:01 am
December 12, 2020

9:20 am
May 26, 2022

9:33 am
December 12, 2020

10:07 am
December 12, 2020

11:58 am
January 10, 2017

12:46 pm
May 20, 2016

12:59 pm
December 12, 2020

2:07 pm
March 30, 2017

2. Rate Change History: May 15, 2023 to July 19, 2023, the rate was 4.75%. Starting July 20, 2023, the rate automatically changed to 5.25%. Starting October 3, 2023, the rate automatically changed to 6.25% and this rate will be reflected in online banking as of October 4, 2023. Rate subject to change or campaign can end early without notice.
This is in the fine print. So they dont have to grandfather 6.25%....
2:19 pm
February 7, 2019

savemoresaveoften said
2. Rate Change History: May 15, 2023 to July 19, 2023, the rate was 4.75%. Starting July 20, 2023, the rate automatically changed to 5.25%. Starting October 3, 2023, the rate automatically changed to 6.25% and this rate will be reflected in online banking as of October 4, 2023. Rate subject to change or campaign can end early without notice.This is in the fine print. So they dont have to grandfather 6.25%....
Except for this which they last sent out Oct 3rd ...
So, in my view, Earn More Promo funds there before today need to be grandfathered at 6.25% through Jan 31 ...
2:20 pm
February 7, 2019

3:25 pm
August 20, 2019

cgouimet said
Except for this which they last sent out Oct 3rd ...
So, in my view, Earn More Promo funds there before today need to be grandfathered at 6.25% through Jan 31 ...
cgouimet keeps bringing up an important point and I will also look into it too although it may take days. The question is whether once offered the offer can be rescinded after acceptance. A deal is a deal unless it isn't?
3:49 pm
February 7, 2019

AR said
cgouimet keeps bringing up an important point and I will also look into it too although it may take days. The question is whether once offered the offer can be rescinded after acceptance. A deal is a deal unless it isn't?
DUCA has the right to stop offering but they do not have the right to honour what they have accepted.
9:06 pm
January 7, 2020

10:29 pm
February 7, 2019

11:07 pm
October 21, 2013

DUCA's website does now says 5.75%
They've done this before, namely dropping a promo rate without warning or sending a message. There is always some wording in the original offer that allows them to do this.
However, I think it's very disingenuous to do so right after advertising that the rate was still 6.25% with revised system.
Very poor show, DUCA!! This is no way to treat your members.
Thanks to those who were on alert about this.
Please write your comments in the forum.